Whatever that is, I’d assume it’s a bad idea to drink it.
Whatever that is, I’d assume it’s a bad idea to drink it.
The licensing on HDMI doesn’t allow open source implementations of at least some of the driver stuff.
So it works on Nvidia because of the closed source driver.
(I have not dug into details obviously)
I really hate this trend.
Same. One of the first things I did (after rooting it) was find the kernel ‘files’ to make it stop at 79%. Battery life seems about the same as the first month I got it.
I also have a Wear OS watch (TicWatch Pro 3) that I manually charge to about 79% (with Tasker to alert me on the phone when it’s there) and it’s still using only around 30%/day after nearly 4 years.
Hmm, I don’t see it in F-Droid, just SuperTuxKart
For April Fools, Cards Against Humanity was literally selling diamond studded potatoes for $69.99 (USD) - and claimed a $1000 value, which I’m sure they would be at retail prices.
The FAQ said they had thousands of them, but I didn’t get there in time.
Before I proposed, my (now)wife and I discussed this and we did some research, then went with Moissanite.
She has a ring with a huge very shiny stone that doesn’t break when it hits something, and we both also still have some money left.
It’s awesome that all these other options exist as well!
(Similarly, we got married at home with a friend as an officiant* and only close family present. It was great.
*He had earlier gotten himself ordained by mail so he could officiate the wedding of his own daughter.)
That’s odd. At my local pool they very definitely are in the water with us more often than not during lessons. How else can they demonstrate techniques, and watch us closely to see what we are doing wrong?
There is one exception I’ve noted - the coaches of swim teams seem to mostly stand at the front or back of the section their team is using. I’m not sure what that’s about, since I’ve never been on a team like that. But I can guess it has to do with seeing everyone at once.
Best not start anything. These guys are tough.
Oh yeah, my family name isn’t that rare, but it’s also probably going away locally when I do. I don’t mind though, it’s an ugly name anyway. My wife didn’t take it, her’s is much nicer.
Broken link (404)
My bloodline ends with me, but I have step kids. So kinda yes, but kinda no more than a typical person whose genes do continue but their story is forgotten eventually.
This really hit me recently when sorting my mom’s belongings and finding a ton of photographs of people I don’t recognize, and having nobody left to ask about who they were, how/if they were related to me, and what their life was like.
I’m talking long before digital channels existed. (In the US anyway)
Even before the 2000s they started showing a blue screen instead of static.
That wasn’t just a digital or flat panel thing.
But of course old sets were around for a long time.
One of my friends in middle school had the last name Morris, so I think of it as a last name.
Hamilton is a last name. I won’t doubt that there are some people who have it first (not checking), but they probably have two last names.
And indeed 1F414 is a lower (hexadecimal) number than 1F95A, so in the absence of other criteria I’m sure in most systems it would sort first.
They might not know the name for the extension of alphabetical order to all characters in Unicode (and neither do I) but it’s logical to associate it with alphabetical since it’s similar in concept.
I agree and think this a good shower thought, and also don’t see it as a bad thing in general.
I’ve always thought that conceptually, background music is really strange - because of course it’s Not part of the universe being shown to us (with partial exceptions like Guardians of the Galaxy) but is an added layer that only the audience experiences, and doesn’t have a real-life counterpart.
Technically I suppose the same is true for something like subtitles, but those are more directly meta (they are clearly part of the mechanism of presentation rather than being presented as part of the show like music kind of is)
But that doesn’t mean I think it shouldn’t be there (Nor do I think OP said so) - it’s just a weird thing we all accept as normal because it Does enhance the experience (usually)