AFAIK kernel itself doesn’t send any signals to processes on shutdown/reboot, it just stops executing them. This is a job service manager (e.g. systemd) that terminates processes using SIGTERM before asking kernel to shutdown.
AFAIK kernel itself doesn’t send any signals to processes on shutdown/reboot, it just stops executing them. This is a job service manager (e.g. systemd) that terminates processes using SIGTERM before asking kernel to shutdown.
That’s why you launch them through systemd.
That’s the problem of most general-use languages out there, including “safe” ones like Java or Go. They all require manual synchronization for shared mutable state.
Utility is for poors. People who don’t count money want something shiny or whatever their peers have. They can easily replace it if it breaks.
This makes using “swipe to previous app” gesture harder in case app has a list with swipeable elements (such as Gmail) One of the purposes of the gesture bar is to prevent such conflicts.
I combine it with blocking users. Political communities are blocked entirely, and then users who post irrelevant political crap in non-political communities are blocked individually.