I take notes as I work in case I get pulled onto another task.
Doesn’t take more than 5 minutes to summarize at the end of the day.
I take notes as I work in case I get pulled onto another task.
Doesn’t take more than 5 minutes to summarize at the end of the day.
Bonus points if it’s failing because you spelled it right and the preexisting is misspelled.
The trick is leaving good notes to yourself outlining the thought process, what was tried, what should be tried next.
Then you read your notes in the morning with a fresh mind and
If you just slam the laptop shut in frustration, you lose all progress.
I’ve had plenty of breakthroughs at 9PM, but most of those could have been gotten at 11AM the next day without neglecting my family.
Writing notes for yourself is useful as a form of “rubber duck debugging”.
After 5PM stop looking for a fix, start looking for a stopping point and write up some notes to review when you’re fresh again.
Never seen that in Firefox on iphone.
A lot more work to introduce a new product than to turn on a TTL in a DB.
Is there really enough demand (potential revenue) to justify the effort?
In Spanish, most masculine words are “LONERS”, and end with one of those letters.
What’s the exposure surface of this if I have remote access disabled?
Can you do Bubbles Sort with Michael Jackson’s chimp?
Adding solar panels to building is fine, but why do you want to bundle appliances and electricity?
Sounds like you’re introducing a lot of complexity for unclear benefit.
Newness is always exciting, but ongoing friendship requires common ground.
I’d start with wkhtmltopdf/pdfkit
Surely you can figure out how to use existing libraries for this task, or is there something you’re stuck on?
There are a ton of options depending on your tech level.
How are you with basic Python scripts?
Ah, that time when my job required me to write an executable scanner, and all the AVs got jealous I was honing in on their turf.
AV running in kernel mode charges its CPU cycles to the process being monitored, instead of the AV doing the monitoring.
I got a whole bunch of “your program is slow” support tickets which were resolved by telling the client to follow the AV exclusion instructions.
Cool find, but it can’t live in the middle of the keyboard, and I worry about the driver quality since it’s not from Synaptics like the original.
Only reason I’d still buy Lenovo just went out the window.
The universe is not the carcass of the big bang, just as a tree is not the carcass of a seed.