Aw, that’s the best part. I love paying with my ridiculous smart watch that I didn’t need.
Oh hi.
Aw, that’s the best part. I love paying with my ridiculous smart watch that I didn’t need.
For your memeing pleasure.
Echo? Sorry though, that sucks big time.
This is a meme trend I can get behind.
Real talk, a lot of keyboard environmentalists would be surprised to know how much electricity the innocent little internet uses.
The employees where I shop are underpaid and understaffed. They have to be there for the elderly, kids and differently-abled though. I’m happy to give them a break and scan my own shit. Usually they get to just stand around and talk to each other while I do, if they aren’t busy, which makes me feel kind of nice.
Well, I’m a former cashier and I absolutely do it faster and better than the high school seniors they underpay at my local store. Also, I caught one kid double scanning some of my stuff once. Not sure if it was intentional or just lack of attention, but after that I definitely started using self checkout exclusively.
Former grocery store teen here. It was nice to get away from customers a little, but then again then you’re stuck in a parking lot with those same customers and now you have to try and avoid getting run over.
Most self checkouts use cameras and AI where I am.
I think it’s Europeans on Lemmy who apparently think the US is a political monolith and they’re making some kind of point. As if any American on a site like this isn’t fully aware of the problem. I doubt it, frankly. If it’s an American posting it, they should probably know that already and find a more suitable platform. Kinda preaching to the choir here. The thing is, if there were an easy solution we would have found it. Again, people who really don’t understand the scope of the political and cultural problem posting snide and frankly ignorant comments doesn’t help anything, in my opinion.
I just read a really good article about why Tokyo, one of the biggest cities in the world, is also one of the most affordable for housing and pretty much everything else. Spoiler, they don’t allow boomer nimbyism and they absolutely do allow a shitload of apartment building pretty much everywhere.
You think making fun of murdered kids is valid criticism?
Lol, send my kids to another country? Most of us here live paycheck to paycheck. Real talk? I took my kid out of school. Besides the threats of violence, public school in the US is a joke. I was homeschooled and I still ended up better educated than most people I know my age, without even really trying…
I vote Democrat down the line, what other suggestions do you have in mind?
You won’t, you’re all perfect of course! All the best commercials tell you so, to say nothing of the most reliable source, one another!
Nice theory, but as the parent of a teenager, younger generations don’t tend to think highly of their elders no matter what. It’s kind of human nature. I predict that Millennials and Gen Z will absolutely be disliked by the generations afterwards, just as Boomers and Gen X are disliked by Millennials and Gen Z. For that matter, love Gen Z all you want, Millennials, just don’t expect it to return the favor. Every generation thinks it’s better than the ones that came before. Ever heard of hippies? Yeah, they were gonna save the world from everyone over 30. Now we just call them Boomers.
Ooh, another low-effort America bashing post. Bonus for joking about murdered kids. Slow clap, very impressive.
Yeah, a bunch of them were Covid deniers who ran to the hospitals when they got sick and clogged them up for responsible people. Buncha faithless hypocrites, just stay home and follow God’s Plan…
It was a stupid impulse buy, yes…