Same great Dharma, new SolarPunk packaging!
Check out for ramblings on philosophy and the occasional creative writing project!
That was always my trick, too. I also used to keep my lighters on a lighter leash back when they first starting getting popular. If I didn’t clip it on my clothes, I’d put the whole thing in my pocket, and when someone wants a light I just hold the clippy part and hand them the lighter. I ain’t letting go. I want my lighter back.
My mom, though, man, she was the biggest lighter thief back in the day. She’d go to a party in the 90s and 00s, when everyone smoked, and each time she lit up she’d ask for a light and accidently (she claims) pocket it. By the end of the night when she got home she’d have 15-30 lighters in her purse. I have literally seen her dump a pile of bics on a bed from her pocket book, and it looked like Technicolor vomit spewing out of a leather bag. Lmao
Initially I agreed, but actually I think it stands. The design is similar enough, regardless of era. Honestly, I really do wish this kind of design would come back
For my microwave its 20 second intervals. But also, let’s say I open the door mid-run, if the tray is rotating clockwise, when I restart it it will rotate counterclockwise. Every time you open it it reverses it’s rotation.
I don’t know if all microwaves do this, or just mine. I never really had cause to notice until I started making desserts and candies, where you often nuke for 10 seconds, stir, 10 seconds, stir to melt chocolate. Easiest to just set for 40 seconds and open/close than it is to reset each time. This is the only microwave I’ve done that with, though, so idk if it’s common
Thank you!
Also, if I’m not mistaken, this is (at least) the second time you’ve replied to me when I didn’t understand a comment, and done it in such a way to make things very understandable. Can you just follow me around explaining things to me? It’s extremely helpful!
I thought “(former)” was enough foreshadowing. Sorrys lol
I… Do not know what that means lol
My (former) best friend got married young, and her and her husband had rings they got at the flea market that cost about 20 bucks a piece. I always respected the hell out of her for that. Her sisters tried to make it out like it was some kind of bad omen, or like it meant they didn’t love each other. She had a lot of pressure to cave into and act like a snotty brat about the cost of the rings. She never did, and loved her cheap ass flea market ring.
She turned out to be a terrible person in a multitude of other ways, but on that note, good for her.
Nothing has come along to replace the Internet because we didn’t elect Al Gore, he hasn’t had the platform to develop a replacement to his original invention of the Internet.
That’s terrifying. But not just because of how dystopian it was, but because I could envision a world with that same technology being so incredibly amazing, bordering on utopian.
I’m in a rural area, super mountainous. Tmo has a tower near my home that allows for 5g home internet, but they won’t let us use it. Say we’re too far from the tower. So I signed up with a friend’s address and use it anyway. It works great. My only other options for Internet are dial up, sat, or PCs for people, which use one of those old school hotspot boxes (it’s income based, only 15 a month, and truly unlimited in case anyone is in need in the US). We used PCs for people for ages, but those boxes just aren’t as capable, and it’s pretty slow even with 4g/5g connection. Talking 3mbps was a really, really great day. I now get consistently 150-200mbps and have hit 250. It’s the fastest internet I have ever had.
It really is. I’m not a big gamer, but I’d love boast 100% on Linux (though cheating a bit, since it’s all steam deck)
Ooh, yeah, they’re not fond of the cold, either, but probably like the 3rd most sensitive for me
Its my lower back for me. My balls are extremophiles, they can handle hot and cold. But my lower back is like some sickly victorian child who needs constant care
I was homeschooled, but my foster brothers elementary school gym teacher was a powerfully lesbian lesbian woman with a flat top haircut and a penchant for flannel in the middle of the summer in coastal Virginia. She lived a few doors down from us, and would come by occasionally for cookouts and stuff. I loved her so much, she was amazing. She was also one of the first people to clock me as gay. I didn’t even know I was gay, but I still distinctly remember her giving me a hug one day when this boy I wanted to be friends with told me he didn’t want to be friends with me. Looking back, it was so obviously a crush, but I didn’t realize it then. She was outside when she overheard the two of us, we’d been riding bikes. She hugged me, told me that not everyone can love everyone, and that it was okay. I’d find more and better friends, and when I got older, I’d be able to tell who the good ones were. It was like a pre gay pep talk, and she was so kind.
even so your money isn’t FDIC insured if you’re using apps as your main way to bank.
Having just signed up for storage from Hertzer for nextcloud, that’s insane. It’d be cheap as hell to just… Have my own Wikipedia.
The article they linked goes over that. It’s a really good read
Googled it and couldn’t find an answer. WTF is a rumschlumpel?