"They hate the US and are still mad about losing the cold war. Pretending otherwise won’t change this.”
This is cringe af.
"They hate the US and are still mad about losing the cold war. Pretending otherwise won’t change this.”
This is cringe af.
I’m am immigrant in Brazil and have to deal with Portuguese excel almost everyday. At least I know my Python and only use excel to do simple things.
Edit: all my scripts end with pd.to_excel() tho
I’m being using Linux for like 15 years now, but this is the first time I use something different that Debian based. I being using Bazzite for like a month, so I had no problem with just go back to zero bow with a little more experience.
I nuked the installation. Hopped for a couple of distros but they didn’t worked as nice as bazzite so I installed it back and is working alright. Even the wine games. Thanks for the interest btw, next time I’m waiting before re installing. On the tested games, only The jackbox party pack is not working properly, but that one never worked before.
Used to run for a couple of minutes, then something happens and the controller isn’t recognized anymore.
I’m using Bazzite and was very happy until past day update. My wine games stopped working, everything else is perfect, but something messed up with wine
And the only one with a backup is Facebook.
This is so 2010’s
Variable names should be var{n} where n = 0, 1, 2…
Don’t worry, in a couple of years it’s going to become a Tropical Depression. Way better, you’re still happy even when everything around you is falling apart.
Eu so recebi duas vezes.
Common occurrence is coming back home with a different lighter you go out.
OP is a solid fella. Cropped the image but moved the artists so is still visible after the crop.
deleted by creator
Pelo efeito Kepler.
Not wearing glasses or wearing too much glasses, believe or not, straight headache.
What about trademarks and so?
Can’t increment negative numbers or zero smh.
if x==0:
return 1
else x==1:
return 2
else if x==-1:
return 0
else if x==2
return 3
else if x==-2
return -1
Try telegram. I was looking for Fire and Blood some months ago and there was the only place I found it.