Hope to see this on as many devices as possible so we finally get usable JXL support when using https://github.com/IacobIonut01/Gallery
interesting, I thought I had to download and setup myself, ill look into this then
when does apple turn around and just stop selling in the EU?
It would be nice if torrent clients included I2P support by default without the need for auxiliary tools. that being said, I don’t really know enough about i2p to understand the actual privacy benefits of it or viability of something like this
Big news, looking forwards to having a device with real VRR, it’s a massive game changer, both in the figurative and literal sense.
personally I am not super interested In this, vulkan venus is going to be a lot more portable which is key for me.
The best YouTube TV app for desktops is YouTube TV.
Look up PS4 Pro Leanback UserAgent and I recommend using that with Chrome because Firefox has a little bit of bugs. If you use it as a web app it works pretty well. The one caveat is you cannot exit out of it without enabling a developer flying in Chrome, without that flag you need to use alt + f4.
You want to use a web app or kiosk mode, specifically because resolution that you get in video is determined by the window size at startup, so if you have a 4K display, it needs to be full screen at start or else you will not get 4K video. Playback, you’ll only get 1440p.
Otherwise, just full screen it, then refresh.
I personally have found that the kodi plugin is quite frankly not very good.
Well, tracker2.postman.i2p just told me upon loading it that it’s under heavy load. In the past few days it seems to have a steady 1-2 dozen new torrents a day. The site has statistics but seemingly only for the past day, however this is roughly what I expected, or maybe less.
Im talking more about the total amount of users/swarm size. it didn’t have much list I checked, aside from a couple really popular torrents hitting around maybe 2-3k peers.
I mean piracy activity wise, it seems fairly head. maybe im just remembering differently since pirating was a bit less popular, but it feels like it was more healthy in the past.
is i2p even worth it anymore? I checked a while back and it seemed pretty dead. not too many people at all
Cloudflare: “I have plans!?”
the only iptv I get is from the iptv github, never had any luck finding much else then that, especially since the canadian iptv website died, I do wish we had better free epg
right? gotta wonder why it was even posted in the first place
Im still looking for a good androidTV IPTV app that isn’t full of garbage, but other then that, seconding this
I believe steam uses bubblewrap to isolate steam games so you should be relatively safe
no for ps4 and ps5
The futo applications are nice, it’s a shame about their licence, I hope they solve it soon so people can start shipping them.
does it? man facebook was bad when I ditched it a few years ago, but that’s even more annoying.
It wasn’t open source, but it also wasn’t against TOS. All it really was is a custom environment that builds RPCS3 in.
I’m not sure if it was a termux like environment or a proot, but it was termux X11 fork.