Nice job! I never got toner transfer to work properly, I used UV instead
Nice job! I never got toner transfer to work properly, I used UV instead
[Spiderman pointing at spiderman meme]
I had a shitty non FFB wheel. So much easier. The 180 was almost impossible with keyboard
Exactky. We can pick what we care about.
Hurting other people makes me unhappy, therefore I choose to try and make other people happy, because that makes me happy and I enjoy being happy.
The fact that there isn’t meaning is liberating. It means I am free to do whatever I like, because the universe doesn’t care. Even though, the universe is full of wonder and beauty, but it just is. It exists for no reason? I think that makes it even more wonderful
No, it does not. The universe does not exist for a reason, and neither do you. It just is. Trying to find a true meaning is futile.
Such an amazing movie, still.
Even though that’s what the latin translation is, that’s not what the word means. The definition is “Psychopathy, or psychopathic personality is a personality construct characterized by impaired empathy and remorse, and bold, disinhibited, and egocentric traits masked by superficial charm and the outward presence of apparent normality”.
I just wear band-shirts, black Levis 501 jeans and hoodies/plaid shirts. Cargo shorts in the summer, idgaf if I’m fashionable. I like the way I dress, so does my SO 😃
Your title has caused Alanis Morisettes Ironic to get stuck in my head 🙁
That’s why I only own black socks, and just wear jeans, t-shirt and hoodie/shirt
Oh nice, human music
What is this fucking boomer shit
People are different. Some are born with a working internal clock, some aren’t.
His superpowers doesn’t work on Krypton