Can the host itself write to the file share? You can check this by trying to create a file in it via the host’s shell. If it can’t write to it the container won’t be able to either.
Can the host itself write to the file share? You can check this by trying to create a file in it via the host’s shell. If it can’t write to it the container won’t be able to either.
Yup I’ve got a box in my mum’s house that all my off site backups go to and it’s a damn site cheaper just to give her some money for the electricity cost of it each month than pay for any cloud service.
This doesn’t remove security and compliance requirements for the business though. For our Linux endpoints we still deploy an AV on them and limit the user’s ability to add exclusions.
You can pry my gen8 hp microserver from my cold, dead hands.
The long term solution is to increase the amount of potassium you consume.
I mean I’ve been using an FP5 for the best of a year now and it’s fine? performance wise I have no complaints but I don’t game on my phone or use most social media apps which all look very bloated now days.
For me I just love the energy and the crowds. Can be tiring at times but if I’m away too long I really do miss it.
Either ignore like I do or add a self signed cert to trusted root and use that for your services. Will work fine unless you’re letting external folks access your self hosted stuff.
I mean I quite enjoy running marathons ultimately even though they’re a lot of effort.
Just wear earplugs at gigs mate. You can get fancy ones that only filter out the painful high frequencies.
I mean if you keep a FP5 for it’s entire service life it’s actually a pretty damn cheap phone. If all goes well maybe a couple of battery changes tops. They appear to be a real thing. Though naming yourself after the most evil thing in middle earth is a bit in the nose lol.
That’s because of a lot Englishales are drunk at room temp/ slightly below though not as cold as refrigerated.
Well where the hell else are we supposed to store our Marxist filth?
Of course the name changes if you pay for a different license lmao.
It’s not even the compliance portal any more it’s purview.
If you’re running mostly Linux vms proxmix us really good. It’s based on kvm and has a really nice feature set.
Yeah I’m a big fan of it. People complain about the verbosity of it but I like that for readability and autocomplete makes that a non issue I find. Plus if you really want to save on typing when using it as a terminal tool you can just make aliases for all your common commands.
It’ll last long as it’s useful to you barring any disasters. I’ve got a HP gen8 microserver that I’ve been running as a free/truenas box 8/9 years now and I’m only thinking of replacing it now as I need more performance than the CPU in it can give.
Can you mount SMB shares in unprivliged containers? I thought that was blocked.