What does Puerto Rico have to do with this?
What does Puerto Rico have to do with this?
I doubt it, but ok
I’m not sure I’d count Frankenstein, tbh. I think it’s more horror than sci-fi.
I don’t think this is new; The Sleeping Dragon by Joel Rosenberg was published in 1983 where players in a tabletop RPG get whooshed into the game world at the beginning of the book. Fun series.
it takes labor to collect the carts
It’s not about that. I was making a reference to the Shopping Cart Theory as a way of responding to the post.
potentially reduce price hikes on food
I admire your boundless optimism! I rather think we’d simply see richer grocery store owners if there were a sudden outbreak of common decency and everyone consistently returned the cart.
You get it
Why should we return the shopping cart when no one else does?
Edit: /s for people that took this too earnestly. I was alluding to https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Shopping_cart_theory.
I thought OP meant that the clothes smell LIKE us in this one.
Ha, I was tempted to make basically the same comment. I’m super weary of people mixing the two up!
Interesting! So the part we pick is and eat is like a strawberry more than, say, lettuce.
Naively, it’s easy to think: it grows in the ground, therefore, it’s a plant. There’s a lot more than meets the eye, though.
Mushrooms are the closest things we have to aliens
Star Trek: Let’s figure out how to hook up the translator to Data so we can talk to them. Real life: Let’s see whether they’re tasty.
Mushrooms are closer to animals than they are to plants
How? At first blush, this seems absurd.
Disclaimer, it’s been a while since middle school biology class where we might have talked about this subject.
We all have caturday!
Interesting metaphor. I’ve never really gotten that idea – I’ve never seen the connection demonstrated between the “big stuff” and seemingly innocuous things like ‘main’ vs. ‘master’.
Also, a lot of this feels misplaced. IMO, the root problem is one of attitude where the minorities are viewed as less-human, not deserving of equal treatment or equal rights. Change will happen as those attitudes shift. I haven’t seen a connection demonstrated between those attitudes and…well, pretty much any terminology issue that’s come up in recent memory.
Yeah, I can’t really explain it. Seems kinda silly, doesn’t it?
just another way of staying ignorant and insensitive to those events.
I don’t really see how that follows. Would you mind elaborating?
I’m a dev, and I’m the opposite. At my work, we use main over master. I thought it was a little silly when we first switched, but now I’m used to it. It’s an arbitrary label anyway – could easily use trunk/branch from SVN or release/develop or any number of other labels to keep track of code.
Hell, we got a new dev on the team a month or two ago, and he tends to name things ‘feat/do-the-thing’ instead of ‘feature/make-it-go’.
It’s not as big a deal as people online make it out to be.
Bypass the whole debate, adopt SVN’s ‘trunk/branch’ terms.
Well, sure. Even Russia still has elections.