Write spaghetti code and don’t listen to advice telling you to improve
Write spaghetti code and don’t listen to advice telling you to improve
If I remember correctly, when fstab is incorrect even if the partition is not essential it will stop you from booting
Thermodynamics taught me chaos is the ultimate fate so you should make intelligent decisions to make the most of high grade energy, because everything you love and care for will dissipate into chaos and nothingness eventually.
AI bridging the gap between memes and reality 👍
To call the guy on the left a software engineer is a misclassification
It should be possible to wire it so that when the battery is on, the light turns on instantly while also charging the capacitor. Battery meaning paddling
What about the issue where people try to install new version of python sometimes try to uninstall the “old” pre-installed version on a linux system and thus borking the whole s
Definitely not me, anymore
Assembly is inaccurate. You have to build a horse fibre by fibre. Theoretically, it would be the fastest horse ever if it could be actually built
And if something feels like the future peole will try to make it the future
Idk but Doom runs pretty well
Steam OS isn’t an incremental rolling release, right?
I was mostly joking about a stray pointer of type uint32_t*
So the size of the pointer itself doesn’t matter
That’s what makes us humans different from computers. We don’t ask how high, we just do it. Now, if it were a C pointer it would jump anywhere from 0 to 2^32-1. That’s why C is more suited for artificial intelligence than it might initially seem. Thanks for coming to my tedx talk
Typical Computer science vs typical computer engineering
Thank you! I had been picking my memory for this for so long. We too were taught LOGO in school in the early 2000s. I had forgotten the name, I found kturtle after searching about but couldn’t recall what the original program was called.
Its okay. I’m sure you’ll get over it.