Using the steamdeck is far more enjoyable and painless than any other platform ive used since the gamecube or original xbox.
Using the steamdeck is far more enjoyable and painless than any other platform ive used since the gamecube or original xbox.
Always speak using the terms SWIM, someone who isn’t me, to avoid legal culpability. Or post as if it were your goldfish or hamster describing their piracy activities. This is foolproof, i learned this secret spell in the ancient era.
Its been a long time since ive used it but last.fm might be better for discovering obscure genre types than spotify. Spotify wants to generalize and distill their recommendations as much as possible because they want to appeal to a broad audience but iirc last.fm uses user tags to classify the music so its more likely something is tagged with the obscure search terms you’re looking for.
Why would this be sketchy? If someone offered me a caffeine pill i would gladly take it, just like i would a shot of espresso. Its not even that its in pill form because you’d apparently be fine taking other pills from that person, but you draw the line at caffeine?
Why does the price have to increase? As you said, if rising sales covers the rise in development costs, then also raising the price on a digital good that is infinitely reproducible at no extra cost is just double dipping. These game publishers make crazy profits. Prices for everything don’t have to just keep rising perpetually.
People dont vote because they dont feel like their views are properly represented. If each individual issue was open to referendum or voting, the only people who would take part in that specific vote are likely people who are well informed and passionate about the issue. I think this would end up being a far better system than having to vote based on nebulous campaign promises that are hardly ever fulfilled, or when they are, your issue is tacked on or bundled with a whole bunch of irrelevant and even harmful legislation.
He definitely meant it both ways, as he also says in the song “fuck n***as, get money” and half the lyrics are about women cheating on him or running around and him being like “fuck you bitch”
I have a feeling OP’s “friends” wont necessarily even be aware hes connected the device to their network. It sounds to me like he wants something he can hide places to take advantage of unsecured or public networks without having to sit there with his laptop doing whatever shady shit he has planned.
Brb bout to sideload a 2 day subscription of LSD.
This is just wrong. Im canadian but think about how you would pronounce the word ‘clothe’ as in 'he can barely clothe himself" and then add an s sound. Although it is more of a ‘z’ sound abd can blend with the ‘th’ a little bit, the ‘th’ is definitely pronounced clo-th-z.
I mean yeah ‘loose’ could probably be pronounced like ‘choose’ and it would still make sense, but it absolutely wouldnt make sense for ‘lose’ to be pronounced like ‘moose’ or ‘goose’. Im not sure what you even mean when you say they switched meanings either because thats just false.
I mean if i was kyle gass id tell jack black to go fuck himself. He made a big fit over a simple joke when his whole shtick(before being a literal clown for Disney™) was being an ‘edgy’ comedian who writes songs that are supposed to be offensive.
But you expect other people to use their free (literally unpaid) time to code what you want them to rather than what they care about or think is important. After theyve already made all of their work and progress free and openly available to anyone who wants to build off it. You have a fucked up view of the world.
Just buy an air mouse for $20 and you don’t have to get up to change episodes. Doesn’t help with having to unplug it from the hdmi all the time but that’s less of a hassle if you can just do it once when you start watching and then control everything from the couch.
I hate that games started designing around microtransactions. Like who thought “hey let’s take the worst parts of MMOs and put them into single player”. I loved AC origins and was so looking forward to odyssey and then I just bounced off it within a few hours because so much of it just felt like doing chores.
Make mac and cheese with your leftover hot dog water if the desert you’re in only has macaroni and hot dogs instead of eggs and potatoes.
Or they just made an announcement in 2021 about their existing content management tools and how much they’ve spent on them over the years. That’s how I read it anyway.
I mean all of these other storefronts clearly operate there with no issues so I’m pretty sure it’s actually just a Sony thing.
Chips challenge had a windows 95 version and it looked almost identical to the rodent game you said you remembered.
I thonk this one is pretty forgivable. Everytime should be a word imo. It has a lot more justification than some of the words that have recently been added and accepted into common use and vernacular. Everywhere, everyone, everyday, everybody are all words and set a hell of a precedent. How is everytime different, besides being a poster word for pedants to pick at.