Admitting by the ad company is for sure not a proof. So what is? If in courts, pleading is good enough for thr court
Admitting by the ad company is for sure not a proof. So what is? If in courts, pleading is good enough for thr court
Hmm, it’s strange grey area. Sometimes piracy is the only way to make the book not disappear. There are niche, low circulation books and magazines which without piracy would disappear and became almost unavailable.
Sometimes the book is no longer in the print because of many reasons:
Ethics & piracy is pretty strange combination and there is no easy answer for it
The same you could say with “conversative” term meaning. In the original meaning it was “not willing changes” not “far right radical” whatever it means ( right now it’s considered to have conservative people in that group by left wing people )
I think I2P will get a new wave of users willing to pirate stuff
Pretty much like the original reason why napster has been created. It could resume downloads which in the times of early internet explorer wasn’t that guaranteed
Coal is a basic substance, so it is in the space. Maybe there is not likely oil or gas ( although I believe methan should be pretty much available everywhere as it’s simple substance ), uranium will be in space for sure. Maybe even mining dead stars or close to dead would be possible in the future, who knows
Lol, good that you pointed it out. The only real way is apparently only self hosting foss