Aye, mate!
raises flagon of grog
Aye, mate!
raises flagon of grog
Choosy moms choose Dzhif.
Registration required.
Anyone know about family sharing “tools” as opposed to “games”? I bought RPG Makers but can’t share them because they’re classified as tools and not games.
This. I had weird refresh rates showing up for my older 4K TV until I got a HDMI 2.1 cable, especially KDE Plasma… topped out at 30Hz for some reason. Got a “Highwings” 8K cable which was cheap but seems decent quality. Don’t get excess length if you don’t need it.
I recently saw one of my blank posts on Reddit and almost regretted running the mass eraser…
…Nah, fuck that site. 😂
Upvoted. It is literally impossible for 99.99% of the population to tell the difference between a good LAME mp3 encode and the original. If someone is working with the audio, making their own remixes and such, they can benefit from lossless/higher bit depth/higher sample rate though.
There were shitty mp3 encoders like Blade in the past (planted by the music industry?) that are easy to hear a difference, and if dealing with files from an unknown source one can only make an educated guess with a spectrogram as to the files’ lineage. Example: Was it a Blade mp3 from Napster burned to audio CD that some moron ripped and posted as flac?
Source: old Hydrogenaudio forums and personally been Exact Audio Copying to flac for over 20 years. Had (modded? custom? can’t recall) Envy24 drivers on WinXP for bit-perfect S/PDIF output of “bit-perfect” CD rips. It was overkill but fairly easy to get the digital part perfect, then the analog part can be subjective… never used special stones, or coat hangers as speaker wire. 🤣
- AI Energy Mode
It suddenly needs a gigawatt datacenter to do its job?
I still play this, on Ephinea! Ephinea’s fairly true to the original game and there are other servers focused more on new content.
I consider PSO to be like a more relaxed Diablo, although I’m finding that at higher levels, it’s nearly as hectic with the monsters moving so much faster.
FO refers to this character being a Force, basically the mage class. Other classes are RA (Ranger) and HU (Hunter), although all questers are also collectively referred to as Hunters. (e.g. Hunter’s Guild is a job center for all classes.)
Newearl refers to a female of the “mutant”- or “esper”-like race, physically weaker but magically gifted. A male of this race is a Newm; others are Mar/Marl (M/F humans) and Cast/Caseal (M/F androids).
Her neck emblem indicates she is of Section ID Pinkal. A Hunter’s Section ID determines what items will be dropped by monsters they slay.
Thank you, this is good, something new to try since the logs aren’t showing anything amiss. I think we’re on the right track because I did find a forum post of someone looking at pulseaudio causing similar but not identical video issues even though audio is not stuttering.
The weird lag only happens in the windows of Wine executables. Nothing else is affected even if I leave winecfg or a game open in the background.
I actually verified the same behavior on a fresh LMDE6 install. I may raise the issue on their forums and look into your suggestions this weekend.
I have been open to venturing out of stable territory and playing with newer software on this particular machine… so I’m trying EndeavourOS! It also took a lot of fuckery just to make Wine games work in Lutris out-of-the-box, but I learned a bit along the way.
No difference running without Lutris.
Goddamnitall, I thought I had a lead on GameMode being the issue, but the lag is back now. Fuck NVIDIA, but this is the best PC I have and it was a hand-me-down so I did not choose it. The games still run perfectly 1 out of 20 times, wtf…
I don’t believe so, I do not see the option either.
On further testing, the problem appears to be GameMode-related, disabling that makes Wine programs run without the lag. However, Also, now attempting to run Wine programs in fullscreen (any resolution) causes the whole system to severely lag and it takes a very long time to Alt-Tab out or Ctrl-Alt-Fkey into a tty session.
This is on a Western Digital Black NVMe SSD.
On further testing, the problem appears to be GameMode-related, disabling that makes Wine programs run without the lag. However, now Also, attempting to run Wine programs in fullscreen (any resolution) causes the whole system to severely lag and it takes a very long time to Alt-Tab out or Ctrl-Alt-Fkey into a tty session.
Edit: I forgot that I wanted to clarify that this is not a video playback issue, the lag happens in all Wine windows, even winecfg. I clicked back and forth repeatedly between config tabs and was also able to notice the lag there.
Taste of the boat?
Lakka is the official Linux distribution of RetroArch and libretro. It’s built on LibreELEC.
They’re ready to start killing each other over this, as Jesus would have done.
This; works on Mull; there is no submit button, it just constantly refreshes the results and thus is slow AF from continuously juggling the data.
Maybe they’ve finally fixed those problems. In Lakka, I set my controller up once (for each unique controller) in RetroArch frontend, and then it works in any emulator core. I don’t think it’s normal to have to set up the controller in each core (but you can, if you want or need to!)
EmuDeck uses EmulationStation, in which I’ve seen a lot of controller-related problems. Controllers working in the menu but not in the emulators. Controllers working in the emulators but not in the menus.
For a dedicated emulation machine, I’ll once again shill for Lakka, that boots LibreELEC directly into RetroArch without EmulationStation, and has bootable installers for multiple configurations of x86_64 machines and images for loads of single-board computers.
Rip out your USB port and use wireless charging. It at least slows the authorities down, they would have to fix the port first.