IaaS Instructions as a Service
Want to know if a value is odd? Boy have we got the API for you!
IaaS Instructions as a Service
Want to know if a value is odd? Boy have we got the API for you!
Like the Vietnamese name? So… “Wininks” ?
Please no! Not another fucking reverse proxy. I can’t take it anymore T_T
I mean every time I hear about the damn thing it’s because it’s been misconfigured and is causing some fucking ruckus. The whole thing is cursed so jinx really feels appropriate where I’m standing from.
My colleagues were right?!
But of course they pronounce the “ine” as in brine (we are French), which is what really hurts my ears, ugh.
Haha, fair enough! I’m glad you do!
If you believed the stereotypes, you’d think we’re the only ones, sometimes :)
I would happily pull out my old dictionary and grammar books, for sure!
My colleagues have fancy terminal applications with fancy backgrounds, so I thought the reflection was a cool frosted glass transparency effect, at first.
And with the amount of memes being sent across throughout the day, I reckon if it were silly videos, they would eat that up.
Also : watch a video while that command runs? “Fuck yeah”, they’d say!
Nah, just that WinDev thing.
On the plus side we have actual holidays and good luck bothering me outside of hours, haha!
It should have been Latin so at least you could feel like a magician or something
We call it tréma. Aka diaeresis.
It explicitly tells you to pronounce two vowels near each other separately.
A typical use is to indicate a normally silent vowel must be read out. For example “maïs” (MA-EE-S’) is completely different from “mais” (MAY).
Here, they are famous for their pinup calendars…
French fucking Excel formulas is an abomination and needs to die.
I see this is not your first rodeo!
I dont complain, I write constructive comments and useful bug reports.
So good I got invited several times to closed beta by developers who really appreciated the effort.
I am pretty good at flushing out all memories of my work during weekends these day, so that’s why I have great comments for such things.
(how do I know they are great? I got colleagues thanking me for the helpful comments. How fucking often has that happened to you in your career?)
In the spirit of the joke, it would be a Nugget that does absolutely everything you need and then some, used to be free, and since version 4.5 has changed license and now requires a 399$ annual fee per dev, which of course your employer positively refuse to invest in when there are so many other options available for free!
Holy shit, it’s been a few years since I haven’t seen these mentioned but I do not miss it.
Pointer to pointer is fairly common stuff once you get serious with C++ but I’ve no idea what this abomination is supposed to even be, haha!
Oh shit my bad, I mixed Ng and Nguyen, thanks for correcting me.
Also that’s hilarious, I’m totally trying that one with the lads Monday, they’re gonna love it :D