Seems like FM/AM (did anyone do one of those?) Would be cool too
Seems like FM/AM (did anyone do one of those?) Would be cool too
Some people just can’t be pleased, lol
Would that be for a direct input from an instrument, say?
Yes, I fucked up the autocorrect, such is life
You bully of sprites, you!
Wouldn’t a house, also?
This is adorable and I love it
For aerodynamics, aren’t most cars are facing the wrong way?
The ideal is something like a reverse wedge, if I remember correctly
Those really were the days
Further to this, to human is top err - so why would you start to rely on something that’s confidently incorrect so often.
It’s only a matter of time before this misleads someone terribly
Just watched this on QI. S16E08, plants. It’s about 11 minutes in…
Photoshop - it would be a great name for this cat
That’s way too logical. Was this many years ago, maybe?
Nice catch! Thanks for calming things down
Yeah, that’s a huge success. Sure beats my spaghetti
Back when they had consistent style guidelines to follow (I remember reading them, along with deep descriptions of how PnP actually works - yuck!).
Now they just throw shit at the wall it seems
Honestly this sounds like a good idea but a flawed implementation
Yeah, this is it - were addicted to distraction.
Boredom is actually a really powerful problem solving motivator (that we’re sorely lacking lately, thanks to social cancer and phones etc).
Try spending a few days only using your phone for important phone stuff, not entertainment and see
Ha. You two are cute - keep on being awesome