Yes. Although I recommend getting the stainless steel version. It can work on anything even an induction hob. It’s the one I take travelling.
Yes. Although I recommend getting the stainless steel version. It can work on anything even an induction hob. It’s the one I take travelling.
Me too. And a lot of chatter (how are people managing to burn the coffee!?). Classic. Stable. Easy to maintain. Need to take care to get the best results.
thanks! from your comment I think I’ve managed to track it down. if anyone else is interested: https://shop.pianoworks.com/alfred-music-elementary-method-for-the-piano-opus.html
That looks like a good practice book. Anyone know which one?
She cancelled some concerts in Vienna recently following arrests and intel about ‘ISIS inspired’ threats.
Feature flags baby. This is how we do it.
Make it live but disabled, have an env prior to prod with them on, for any regressions.
Launching your already comprehensively tested and actually live feature? An easy deployment.
Can someone please tell me how to do this for the BE. Ta.
Maven, you can speak to us random internet people. We’re still (mostly) real people. We may not have anything useful by way of response. Who knows.
Wow. I hope the mods have batch-removal tools.
Bastard Operator From Hell
I refer to our sysadmin as a BOFH and he doesn’t seem to mind. The younger devs don’t know the term without googling it.
The sysadmin column feels so right.
Aah same actress as Deadpool’s significant other. Morena Baccarin I think? Absolute smokeshow.
Who is that on the right?
What’s really weird is, once you see it, you can’t unsee it. It’s obvious. The brain is strange.
How would you reflow the solder?
With an iron? Or a heat gun? What would be the best approach for something like this with lots of tiny surface mounts?
Came for the roasting. Left with a load of practical tips to improve my soldering.