Yeah, but saying 一 has one Kanji and is One would be the only candidate and that’s a little boring :p
Yeah, but saying 一 has one Kanji and is One would be the only candidate and that’s a little boring :p
二 (pronounced and romanized to “ni”) is 2 in Japanese and has two letters kinda
Same with 三(San)
We do a lot of archipelago (A9O as we call it, cuz it’s shorter to write and there’s 9 letters between… Hoping it catches on).
Factorio is a staple in it. Minecraft too!
The second Ori game’s story is so good and absolutely had me and my wife bawling during it
Your title is hilarious
That’s a great article, thanks for the read.
Quite good. Sans any real spoilers:
Space is a lot more accessible in the early game, and in space ~~no one can hear you scream ~~ there’s a lot more complications than normal, including really turning factory planning and scaling on its head on one planet.
Really mixed it up, much more than the SE mod did (which was good, but just felt like scaling more than unique challenges)
I’m an idiot, no clue how I missed that
It’s somehow not on the list? That’s actually unbelievable
Yeah, a truck would make me feel better. It’s definitely a risk to move it myself uninsured. For comparison, looks like post tax prices delivered of ~14-18% more in Denmark than the US where we are.
That’s a fair bit, but I’m not sure we’re in the market to try this hard to save a few hundred dollars in such a massive move. I lean towards selling, especially once we packed a big suitcase and it went VERY quick with stuff we love lol
Very very little to move. Just what we can carry onto planes basically. Hoping to stay in a spot for many years, but you never know. The packaging is a good idea, I should price compare properly
Oh that’s a great call. I’ll have to look and find the balance here between ship and buy.
Great suggestion, I think making them ready to play might be the move
They’re not super old, we’ve got some pics and such we like obviously. Maybe ~100 gigs total of “important files” but it sounds nice to have “my computer” back when I arrive?
Love your write up. I feel similarly, and many many randomizer runs (Archipelago.gg is great for it), speedruns, and classic playthroughs later I still find the atmosphere and music incredible
Are you playing on an emulator? There’s a plethora of cool Pokemon roms based on fire red
That’s a cool read. I would much rather play a smaller passion-project of a game than a AAA one anyway, but it’s cool to see markets shifting that way on the large
I started one quick Pokerogue run on Friday and now it’s Sunday and I haven’t put it down
I didn’t even know that “BioShock Infinite good” was a hot take. I loved the story, and it’s somewhat open ended nature. That’s most of my friends’ takes as well
Real American question