God, seriously. Recently I was iterating with copilot for like 15 minutes before I realized that it’s complicated code changes could be reduced to an if
I think they mean pull-through cache. https://shipyard.build/blog/how-to-docker-registry-pull-through-cache/
That person is missing the point that a randomized MAC will often get a different DHCP lease, and the MAC address is used in that, so the IP address will change.
On a trusted Wi-Fi network, disable MAC randomization on your clients, and if possible reserve an IP address for their non-random MAC address. Some devices have deterministic random per WiFi network, which could also work. In iOS this is WiFi network -> private WiFi address “fixed”. “Rotating” would cause your pihole problems.
I’m interviewing people right now and I feel like it’s actually the opposite. I know for a lot of folks this is true, and I’ve been through those interviews, but fuck, I would love if I could find somebody who is just on par with the interview questions and could just answer them all satisfactorily, because that’s what we actually need.
Also the internet belongs on the left.
And really, Linux/macos could be reduced to “Unix” https://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/7/77/Unix_history-simple.svg
When I worked in a city with a warm climate I liked it. Now that I work from home in the suburbs and a cold climate I hate it.
As somebody who just watched a team implement MySQL for an app that only supported Postgres, I’d go with Postgres.
I never want to use MySQL again. Postgres or SQLite for relational databases.
Channeling Alan Watts with this one.
At the same time that human consciousness is a form of awareness and sensitivity and understanding, it’s also a form of ignorance. Our ordinary, everyday consciousness leaves out more than it takes in—things that are terribly important. For example, it leaves out things that would if we did know them—allay our anxieties and fears and horrors. If we could extend our awareness to those things that we leave out, we would experience a deep inner peace, because we would all know the one thing we aren’t supposed to know.
Or if you like lo-fi https://youtu.be/dzwGT8yjvQg
Without even realizing that rm -rf
works on posix filesystems which are not directly exposed at osi layer 3.
This is the brilliant scientific mind that wants to take humanity to mars. 🙄
I was also going to link this. I started using zfs 10-ish years ago and used dedup when it came out, and it was really not worth it except for archiving a bunch of stuff I knew had gigs of duplicate data. Performance was so poor.
docker handbrake has a web-ui, thanks to virtual frame buffer and vnc. It works just like the desktop version, because that’s what it is, but in a browser.
Yes. Here’s a random listing on CL.
In the opposite end, what is the cheapest device that you could watch YT on? I’m thinking one of those retro game consoles, which are like $60, run Linux, and have WiFi.
This would be easy with ssh -D 8000 remotehost
. I actually do exactly this every day, but not from a Pi, and with a bunch of -L
forwards too.
Configure your browser to use as a socks 5 proxy and voila.
Bonus points for having a proxy.pac file with more advanced proxy configuration logic.
Also check out sshuttle.
From my understanding, it only checks DNS when it initially connects, and so if the public IP changes the connection just stops working.
This is pretty standard TCP network behavior for long duration connections. The client queries dns for the IP address, opens a socket, and leaves it open as long as needed.
One thing that would help here is some kind of keepalive feature, like a client to server TCP connect or SYN, or better yet a higher level protocol signal. Check your client to see if there is some tunable keepalive. It may be set so something long like 1h.
“Disable your ad-blocker” is the internet’s “hey kid, want some candy?”
Spreadsheets are such a killer app.
Anybody know a good TUI spreadsheet app that can import and export csv, or even just a TUI csv editor? I have been unable to find one.
Tell that to the people driving the dirt road outside my neighborhood.
A few days ago I was messing with my ubiquiti dream router and its ssh config option said the key should start with ssh-rsa 🙄