I do it with k3s right now on fedora. I like it personally.
Nice thing if you use k8s settings up persistent net storage with something like longhorn is an option too.
I do it with k3s right now on fedora. I like it personally.
Nice thing if you use k8s settings up persistent net storage with something like longhorn is an option too.
Harvester cluster my everything. I really want to play around with having my servers being stationary, a togo cluster (laptops, and UPS in a suit case), and PC all in the same cluster.
Right now they are all segmented rke2 clusters, but Harvester should make running vms way easier too.
That’s really cool to see. A trusted hosted open source model is really missing in the ecosystem to me. I really like the idea of web centric integration too.
Honestly maybe something tied to librepay?
Brave browser’s ATs?
Distrobox. Building weird projects is nicer when I can start from a fresh system each time.
I will say, the Le Chat provider is pretty decent. You really can use it more natural language. “Rewrite it with a better rhyme scheme” “remove the last line” and it just got it.
Why no local option though? Why no anonmysing option?
Edit: There is a right click option which does make this officially actually useful for me now (summarize this!).
Other models do have RAG options and Mist real supports making agents with specified documentation too to at least fine tune too (not as good as full grounding though IMHO)
I was disappointed there was no local option…
Awesome! Servo as an embedded solution is a great choice imho! Glad to see them start their to build into the full browser
I mean isn’t Servo just the Gecko replacement?
I am super excited about too, but it’s kind of funny to say eat the company that built it and language around it’s lunch lol
Honestly I’ve been trying to figure out how to convince more people in my credit union why FOSS matters.
I honestly do love the aspect of it.
No doubt. The gap between designers and non technical users is a collaborative space that doesn’t seem to me meet by foss but does seem meet by companies like Adobe using the massive amount of feedback sources and teams of designer does meet.
I, a “technical” user, find FOSS UX way better to me, but I can read and underatand issues on git, make merge requests, and even read some code to grasp how something should be working. That UX for shaping the actual program UX doesn’t work for the “non-technical” crowd.
Sorry if I’m just ranting now lol, it’s just something I keep trying to iterate when these issues pop up, hoping something comes up with a good solution.
So far it’s education (grow the technical user base and bam better UX for FOSS!), commercial support and have support feedback for users, and maybe adaptive UXs using some kind ml feedback mechanism.
Honestly though we are doing the former and money is the limit to success (why pay for free? Is a hard sell for a product that isn’t quite what someone wants yet).
The latter I just haven’t seen a clean enough setup to start hacking with myself, and honestly means getting the metric collection for a lot of FOSS apps squared up first.
There are frenemies in the some markets for sure. But no “the marketplace” is a collaborative thing, corporations are collaborative ventures, etc
Almost every human experience is marked by systems of collaboration, even if competition is also allowed within that system.
Also agreed, and again fuck Adobe.
Sorry I should have specified. That Photoshop is irreplaceable but Blender is pretty good for professional use.
Thanks for sharing, sorry your work flow and experience is messy with it. I’m just a part of the community, but it’s always interesting to hear where different work flows do and don’t work for others.
UX and front ends is such a fuzzy field for me to wrap my head around. So much is done by intuition before hand or after viewing analytics.
Huh, I normally hear the opposite. What are some features of 3dsmax that blender is missing for you?
The whole UX of using a computer is a collaborative project between hardware, os, and apps (and maybe networks). Any friction in that process is born in part by both sides.
I know what you are saying, and fuck Adobe, but the friction of Adobe products not working well on Linux is because Linux isn’t made to work well with corporate driven drm software. Unlike Microsoft, the Linux foundation isn’t likely to make a backroom deal to ensure that Linux will be developed in a way to keep their drm private and help them strip the rights of their users.
That leads to friction it is Linuxs fault for not accepting Adobes bs here. As it is also Adobes fault for sacrificing technical excellence in lu of artificial scarcity.
I honestly cannot tell you the last time I ran windows to do anything. Like I’ll have to do some tinkering on the steam deck soon for the first time in a long time to get the sims playing for my SO, but that is still way easier then maintaining another whole OS, especially like windows where they hit my fam with UX updates that piss them off.
Any where more substantial to address the shortfall expected without Google default money?
Dang I wish did more with the Mimic3 project. They have SSML support which just seems like an awesome way to address the mono voice issue in tts for books to me.