I like weird! Mind sharing your favorites?
I like weird! Mind sharing your favorites?
What makes you think they’d possibly do that?
I was also delighted by the little bonus “a” in that spelling! I’ve been trying to remember to use the æ symbol in those cases though i don’t get to use it nearly as fræquently as I’d like… At least not properlæ 😉
They probably are already ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
My buddy works IT for a company and that 20% chance is one he encountered just last week!!
Fake it till you make it! (งツ)ว
I take back my chuckle
I think they’re just trying to show off…or trying to monetize to pay for the damn thing, lol
I’m just gonna go ahead and believe this without further research, that’s too good an explanation to let go of, lol
All i got is about $3.50
That makes sense. Carrying a library is a whole different thing from having access to a library…
I’m in the same boat. I like having physical copies of my favorite games, music, movies, and shows. I also like supporting the artists/productions, so it’s a win-win that i can buy their products. I’ve always struggled to understand why someone would pay the same price (or nearly as much) for a strictly-digital copy.
Making everything fully digital has its advantages but i never once thought it would act as a complete replacement for physical media.
What was wrong with them? They served their purpose just fine for many years
It would help if people would stop being deliberately obtuse for the sake of sounding intelligent while making a political statement. Wtf does your comment even mean, lol
Are The Roads in The Villages? It would make sense, since those are The Only Places…
The shop-rite in my area has both express (10 items or less) and regular/no-limit self-check outs.
I’m not a huge fan of either place but Jersey Mike’s crushes Subway. There’s no comparison!
He can fake gaming kinda-sorta, he can fake admirers kinda-sorta… Why could he kinda-sorta fake programming skills?
He’s the ultimate fake