They don’t have a dedicated reader for that scenario? That’s the exact scenario I’d explicitly not want a phone for. Sure as a backup, but give me something small that’s the main reader.
They don’t have a dedicated reader for that scenario? That’s the exact scenario I’d explicitly not want a phone for. Sure as a backup, but give me something small that’s the main reader.
We already have it for every 20 minutes but sometimes it fails for various reasons. 30 minutes is the backup before I just reboot it.
A lot harder to do when it’s not on your computer. At work we have some TVs displaying a web oage full screen. I’m not gonna vnc in just to hit F5 every 30 minutes.
1/3 of my refurbished drives died early. It tested fine before I put it in my raid array, but about 3 months in I was getting error after error. I swapped it with my spare and they’ve been fine so far.
Unless the open source ones have gotten a whole lot better in the 4-5 years
Good news!
They’re not perfect, but they are a lot better. Worst case just change it post install when you know nothing funky will happen.
Are you wanting to run the nvidia proprietary drivers? I haven’t tried installing them without the card being installed first.
If you don’t care/want the open source drivers then just install the card and on startup it should load the appropriate drivers for the card. And if you don’t like the open source ones just switch once it’s installed.
Letting them pass. If it’s a 4 lane highway get in the right lane and drive a speed different from the car next to you.
Is the person tailgating because you’re going slow?
And when you drive slow everyone is going to start to pile together into a big group and that only serves to make safety worse. You’re not doing something good by doing this, let them get away from you if you value safety.
That’s cool except you’re no wasting everyone’s time and not just the person directly behind you.
Through their emulation layer you can run basically all modern software runs on it, and even most older games (albeit kinda poorly sometimes). The emulation layer lacks a fun CPU instructions that games or maybe cad software might use. But it’s genuinely pretty good if you’re running it on good hardware. At work we’re primarily a windows shop but the boss man likes Macs so everyone runs windows in a VM and they can do everything they need.
Even the IGPU should get better performance than that. I played Kerbal Space Program on a 2011 MacBook Air and got at least 30 fps.
My job is regex.
At my company we store our regex in the database with linebreaks in it, but when it’s actually called to be used those line breaks are stripped out. That way regex that looks for X can all be all on one line and actually readable.
Am I really 0/2 on posting the right link?
You can download a 10.6 installer here. Use disk utility to write the image to a USB or something.
10.6 might require you to make a DVD sized partition and write it to that partition.
Have you formatted the drive? To this day linux distros do not like writing to HFS+ formatted drives.
Lets be honest. Only the most tech savy of them will actually install Linux. Most are just not going to care they’re not getting updates on their >6 year old machines.
This is one.
What are you trying to run? a VPS is pennies, and a phyiscal server isn’t much more. We have a bunch of servers that are $40 a month each and they come with 5 usable IPs, 32 gigs of ram, 1tb SSD etc. The cost of getting a static IP for home will be almost as much as a server. If you want less you can get less for a lot less money.
I’ve self hosted my own personal website for years now and it’s not really an issue outside of the power going out and my IP changing. I just update DNS and move on. But if this is for an actual work? Just pay the $10 a month, not having to worry about it is worth that money.
5.5” with a 16:9 screen and bezels?
The iPhone 8+ was 6.24” x 3.06” while the latest 16 pro max is 6.42” x 3.06“ almost the same footprint but much more screen real estate.