Every rule has its exception, it makes sense that physically handicapped people shouldn’t be treated as strictly with rules concerning physical activities.
Every rule has its exception, it makes sense that physically handicapped people shouldn’t be treated as strictly with rules concerning physical activities.
Exactly, the world is on fire and www are verging ww3. People that can’t do the bare minimum can’t be trusted in current times.
Greatest arpg of all time. Runs better than PoE1 lmao. (No, for real, it’s waaaaaay better optimized)
It needs balancing for sure but the core is pretty good, with some balancing tweaks it’s gonna be incredible.
Mild criticism that the article doesn’t seem to mention, probably because they are not a PoE1 player: the endgame is pretty fucking boring. Not because it lacks content, but because decoupling the entrance key (waystone/map) from the zone/layout doesn’t really make it “infinite” as they say. If you think about it, on PoE1 you also have an infinite endgame since each map has a fixed tileset and in both poe1 and poe2 you search for zones with good layouts. All this map of tilesets does is force you to do undesirable layouts and since you only need A tier X map, map sustain becomes trivial.
The endgame quests really need some thinking, it’s not okay that the core gameplay loop incentivizes you to clear zones around tower heavy areas to optimize your use of empowering tablets, but the endgame quests incentivise you to ignore all that empowered content and to run in a single direction, to find the special endgame zones. I do like to put some tablets and clear all boss maps that were boosted in an area, but it feels bad to do when you have those quests objectives telling you to find the fortresses.
I totally get that it’s EA and they created the endgame in a single month just for the EA, but this needs to be said so that when they start refining it there’s a history of feedback around the mechanics.
In any case, I have very good hopes that the endgame will be excellent on release with the amount of feedback they are receiving, and as long as they keep increasing the customization of the map generation, the amount of extra content and the amount of layouts (don’t worry, they will), it’s gonna easily beat PoE1.
The controller touchpad had a teally noticeable haptic feedback that was more pronounced in the center. So yeah, you really knew when you were getting out of the center. In fact the frequency of the haptic feedback was enough to know insitnively where on the circle you were.
The way x11 handles frames makes this a Wayland exclusive issue sadly. I’m on plasma so that might be why my issues was fixed. Weird indeed. Good luck in any case, these kind of issues are annoying as hell.
I had that issue before the explicit sync was implemented in the nvidia driver for Wayland. It’s got to be related to that.
Out of order frameworks a is literally a frame syncronization error.
Android Firefox has access to adblockers though??
And anthough it might be correct, I’ve never head anyone say mañana in Basque. We just use piña(pinia)
It’s all you said, but it’s also a product of it’s time. Iirc when it release there was an increasing amount of simulator games, and goat simulator pokes fun to all of those while having tons of silly references to the contemporary things.
The successors don’t have much of s point to me tbh.
Wasn’t recently a resolution in the EU to allow apple to have alternative app stores and thus allow side loading?
So, go with garuda or endeavouros, they have great installers and the community is pretty supportive.
Yoshi and the villager (the rocket dude).
I’ve beaten the original and the rerelease several times. it’s pretty generic but the combat animations are cool enough to give it a go when I’m bored. I usually play it on the hardest difficulty but the bow charged spread attack works like a shotgun so it’s very easy to stunlock enemies.
It’s one of those games where you can overpower enemies quite easily if you prepare, I would not play it on easy though, if the story is bland and the combat is braindead, what’s the point of the game?
Having to raise tv-computer volume vs not being able to sleep. I know my choice
WhatbI don’t get is why they are using body type A/1 and B/2. One is clearly feminine and the other masculine, regardless of the gender of the character, why not use those words? They are describing the physical form of the body, it says nothing about gender.
I just spent 4 days in a camping for a festival sleeping in an air mattress, and it was fine. Maybe buy better quality mattresses or take better care of them? Mine has been to plenty events and it only deflates a little bit after 2 days of scorching hot in the tent-oven, which is normal.
The not that got down voted every time I saw it and and I never see in months? The hurt in the butt had be have been enormous to hate it so much to still be posting about it .
It probably is why bother with the dress up when you can generate the photo after some trial an error.
Just what the other guy told you. I get that it’s a good idea, so good that it has already been done. Streamio+torrentio is the same concept and once set up (takes 5 minutes MAX), it works the same way. I still prefer a full servarr setup though.
(low key shame on this product for having the *arr suffix while being a replacement of the servarr stack)
The mobile app thing never worked for me and desynced the controller… I’ll try the VM.