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Joined 2 years ago
Cake day: August 6th, 2023

  • It will never happen.

    No one’s gonna buy a $30 cable rated for 100w and 120fps video to charge their phone. They’re gonna buy the $5 one at the gas station that’s only rated for low power charging.

    No manufacturer is gonna put the hardware to safely deliver 100w in their phone charger. They’re gonna do the cheaper lower power option, and people already say the ones that do include this functionality are greedy price gougers for charging more than the $5 low power charger at the gas station.

    How soon before manufacturers start stripping those high power delivering ports out of laptops because they raise the risk of permanent damage under a failure too high for the market/brand to bear?

    It’s no fun to be laughing at the people who all wanted a usbc-only world and are now having to live in it but here we are.

  • Can you point me at the right wing propaganda on hexbear? Someone elsewhere in this thread said blahaj has downvotes disabled so that might be two.

    It’s interesting to me that hexbear disabled downvotes because of downvoting campaigns against lgbt users, cultivated a culture of replying instead, federated with blahaj, broke with blahaj and now blahaj ostensibly removed downvotes.

    Queer instance main sequence?

  • gayhitler420@lemm.eetoMemes@lemmy.mlDank Brandon Rising
    1 year ago

    “Just wait till my evil demon gets to amorally act with impunity!

    What? He already is?”

    There is no way the sc will rule that chief executives can be prosecuted for crimes committed while in office. Every former president would be drowned in lawsuits immediately. Discovery alone would subject so much information to FoIA that it would require additional staff.

  • That can be a struggle. There used to be a context menu option in maybe xterm or the kde terminal emulator that would copy the wd and maybe even the highlighted file but I might be gpt hallucinating that last one.

    After fucking up bad copying from the internet into a terminal about fifteen years ago I have tried to review and understand what’s happening when copying from or to the terminal even in part. It would be bad for me if there weren’t the possibility of (at best) having shit not work when I use middle click with abandon.

    I been thinking a lot about designing technology to discourage people from using it. For example it’s a serious mistake when wearable displays are made to look like wayfarers. The danger of people accepting them socially to the point of being manipulated into a state of flow, dissociating from their reality through a combination of sight and sound augmented reality, is too high. Good design of wearable displays should prioritize function over form 100% and make the user look like an insane freak that no one wants to be around, forcing people to remove them in order to maintain social interactions.

    I think copying to and from the terminal is like that. When going between an interface which is a very high level mediator of interaction with the machine and one that’s a very low level mediator, we should be alert, on guard and proofreading everything twice. It’s good that we have to check ourselves before we wreck ourselves copying and pasting into the terminal.

  • I didn’t notice that part of your post. 🙏

    The point I guess I was getting at was that even having “come up” with Slackware and a whole os that’s just 69 half baked scripts in a trenchcoat I adopted a more universal mindset and specific skill set when using scripts over ten years ago and find it hard to justify expecting sanitary inputs nowadays when it is harder and harder with Unicode and is a serious security threat to treat variables as passable strings.

    I wasn’t trying to suggest that there isn’t a way to make a space in a filename cause an error, but that I can’t think of an example where allowing a space to affect things was a good or right way to do something.

    In the specific example of the op, no spaces is a scene rule from the days of ftp and irc/usenet. The idea behind having only a subset of the ascii character set was to allow those services to work with the files and commands around them. There’s no reason to treat my own scripts and programs as if they’ll never encounter the galaxy of other characters that are flying around now and to be honest, theres no reason not to work in sane handling of non ascii characters in filenames even for code I only expect to touch scene stuff.

    It used to be an unavoidable mistake when we dug up buried utilities. Now that there’s a number to call first it’s only the fault of the knucklehead with the shovel.

    Please don’t read this as some kind of an argument. I think we basically agree and I’m not trying to get one over on you.

  • there’s a lot youre leaving out. I don’t think it’s on purpose, but one of the only ways that the korean war can be made to look like a soviet invasion is by conveniently leaving out everything that happened before the norths army crossed the 38th parallel.

    korea was one nation and people before it was divided roughly along a line of latitude by two american officers with no input from those knowledgeable about korea or its history. one of those officers, dean rusk, has said that he would have done things differently if he knew that forty years before, the tsarist russians and japanese had discussed dividing korea along a very similar line.

    They divided the peninsula because the idea among the allies was to reunify it five years or so after china’s civil war ended and it was clear weather koreas only land border would be with the communists or the koumintang.

    as the japanese retreated south, the korean people formed their own governing committees. the soviet forces integrated those committees into the provisional government, the american side integrated the collaborators from the japanese occupation into theirs. the north had a democratic election, the south became a military dictatorship.

    both sides claim to have held elections, but while a majority of the north wanted to vote for kim il sung, the fighter who was an ally of the liberators that empowered koreans to kick out collaborators and do land reform, the souths election that would put syngman rhee in power were boycotted by the souths political parties and accompanied by what was reported on in even western papers as brutal repression. it’s worth noting that one of the leaders of a prominent political party would be assassinated a little later.

    there’s plenty i’m glossing over, but the north didn’t cross the 38th parallel out of the blue for no reason but to impose their evil communist brainwashing on the kindly people of the south. in the south, the repression of jeju island, the military uprising against the government in response to that repression and the bodo league massacre are the backdrop for the norths invasion.

    now think about those circumstances and history for a second.

    the americans divide your country along the same line the russians and occupiers wanted to use before. lets say youre in the north: maybe you don’t trust these soviets, but they respect the peoples committees and theyre doing that land reform youve been wanting for decades. they’re supportive of you expelling the japanese collaborators and things feel like they’re getting better. how about if youre in the south? the americans put the collaborators back in charge, broke up the peoples committees and are putting the ever growing number of collaborators to work beating everyone into shape for the election.

    when 30,000 koreans die on jeju island, there’s a failed military uprising and a massacre of south korean communists, what would any right minded person do? of course the north crossed the made up line keeping them away from their countrymen in peril!

    since i’ve written enough already i’ll just address what you said about the state of the north being so bad: when and why was it so bad? why did it take a carpet bombing campaign and international blockade to make it so bad?

  • I’m sorry, but you’re deeply misinformed. I’m saying this not to start a fight, but in the hope that seeing it from someone outside hexbear (I’m banned from that instance!) will be received better.

    What you’re saying is the us propaganda during and about the war after it ended. The consensus among even american historians stands in stark contrast to what youve posted.

    I’m on mobile at the moment, so I can’t make the biggest post, but if you wanna know something in particular lmk and I’ll get to it as soon as I can.

  • Who decides if a criticism is unnecessary? We’re ten responses deep. No one’s gonna see even if I did somehow turn this into a “dunk”.

    I’m really trying to help you understand what’s going on in the Nazi table saying.

    “If there’s ten people at a table and six are wearing ss uniforms, how many Nazis are there at the table? The answer is ten.”

    The specific counts change but people say this because there’s something so abhorrent about naziism that just accepting them into your company requires that you assent to their awful actions and ideology.

    What awful actions and ideology? Why white supremacy and genocide of course!

    So when someone says the same thing but points it at communists the implication is that communists are just as bigoted and genocidal as Nazis, which is what the antisemitic double genocide theory states.

    You’re saying you didn’t mean it like that and I believe you. It’s just important to understand.

    You should be making fun of that person for being too scared to own their proud communism, but you can’t use the Nazis at the table analogy.

  • You can always not post a response if you’re bored.

    Even without English as your first language, surely you can see how bringing up the behavior and perception of Nazis and Nazi spaces in response to a person in a communist space would be seen as a comparison because of how those two groups stood in opposition to each other?

    If something feels cringey to you why not just not do it? You brought up good faith, not me.

    I am genuinely interested in helping you understand how bringing up people who accept Nazis being lumped in with Nazis invites a comparison no matter who you use it in relation to.

  • Surely you can’t expect me to believe you meant no comparison between two opposed political views when you invoked one in response to another?

    Not after you said you won’t respond to my question because you can’t tell if I’m in good faith!

    Why, a person would almost see you as some kind of troll if they didn’t know better!

    I’ll tell you what, you set the rules for what constitutes good faith engagement and I’ll either abide by them or explain why I can’t and head on.