Billions of completely unrelated developments of niche topics in languages most people don’t understand and then also hundreds of competing solutions to the same problems.
Billions of completely unrelated developments of niche topics in languages most people don’t understand and then also hundreds of competing solutions to the same problems.
I’ve been maintaining multiple release channels for most of my projects. I always have a nightly build and a dev build that I run manually or on every push. Actually versioned releases either happen directly after completing a milestone or when the release schedule calls for it.
Operator overloading allows you to redefine what each operator does. It’s essential to achieve a truly fucked up code base
Best to sit your hands if you have greasy palms
A minute ago I saw a post that was a screenshot of a tweet of a screenshot of a Chinese social media post, claiming some shit. People upvote that.
The Internet is not supposed to be a source of happiness, that’s a sell by some platforms you should never buy into. The Internet is a source of information, and information will not make you happy.
Gaming, social media, or most other online interaction, is ultimately masturbation. It feels good for the moment, but it doesn’t last; you have nothing to look back on but Steam achievements or vacant profiles on a dead platform at the end.
If you’re suffering from depression, you likely can’t work yourself out of it through your own actions alone. Seek support. Things will not improve otherwise.
Reddit is free. Other people paying for your free service is a very weak argument to bring up. If Lemmy dies today, nobody but hobbyists and amateurs will care. Just like with LE.
I’ve been there. Not every CA is equal. Those kind of CAs were shit. LE is convenient. There are more options though.
I actually agree. For the majority of sites and/or use cases, it probably is sufficient.
Explaining properly why LE is generally problematic, takes considerable depth of information, that I’m just not able to relay easily right now. But consider this:
LE is mostly a convenience. They save an operator $1 per month per certificate. For everyone with hosting costs beyond $1000, this is laughable savings. People who take TLS seriously often have more demands than “padlock in the browser UI”. If a free service decides they no longer want to use OCSP, that’s an annoying disruption that was entirely not worth the $1 https://www.abetterinternet.org/post/replacing-ocsp-with-crls/
LE has no SLA. You have no guarantee to be able to ever renew your certificate again. A risk not anyone should take.
Who is paying for LE? If you’re not paying, how can you rely on the service to exist tomorrow?
It’s not too long ago that people said “only some sites need HTTPS, HTTP is fine for most”. It never was, and people should not build anything relevant on “free” security today either.
People who have actually relevant use cases with the need for a reliable partner would never use LE. It’s a gimmick for hobbyists and people who suck at their job.
If you have never revoked a certificate, you don’t really know what you’re doing. If you have never run into rate-limiting issues with LE that block a rollout, you don’t know what you’re doing.
LE works until it doesn’t, and then it’s like every other free service on the internet: no guarantees If your setup relies on the goodwill of a single entity handing out shit for free, it’s not a robust setup. If you rely on that entity to keep an OCSP responder alive for free so all your consumers can verify the validity of your certificate, that’s not great. And people do this to save their company $1 a month for the real thing? Even running the shitty certbot in compute has a larger cost. People are so blindly in love with this “free” garbage. The fanboys will never die off
I’d be more worried about media than the ability to pirate it.
Music has adapted to generate plays. Platforms are already being polluted with genAI music.
TV was replaced by streaming services. Series come and go and are very specifically tailored to get people to subscribe. Exclusives are the standard. Single season productions are not uncommon. People are also already investigating ways to pollute this pool with genAI as well.
Movies are a stream of Marvel and Disney garbage that was already more CGI than acting. Now genAI and upscaled classics are on the menu.
Piracy will not go away. People used to record movies with camcorders in the cinema, now they pull raw files from CDN nodes. There is always the scene. The platforms that try to profit from the scene come and go.
I really hate it when people call for impromptu meetings and are completely oblivious to what you mention. People are absolutely incapable of bridging mental gaps. Nobody explains common vocabulary. Nobody explains the expected goal of conversation. Nobody evens the playing field. Instead, you watch people confused and asking stupid questions, before they arrive at a constructive mental place, right before the meeting is over.
Communication is art and a skill. Just because someone is talking a lot, doesn’t mean they communicate well.
If you can efficiently enable a group of people to arrive in a mental context where they can contribute value to a decision or process, you are a valuable team member.
IMHO this always requires preparation. You can’t expect to have a valuable exchange if you yourself can’t fully imagine the mental context the other people are in. At every moment you have to understand what might be keeping them from understanding you, and then approaching the specific conflict. “Why don’t you understand me?” is something you should never have to ask yourself.
Also, yes, build more prototypes and actually watch some shit go instead of talking so fucking much. Pictures are a thousand words and a real thing is like thousands of pictures. Stop talking already!
That is some next-level Minecraft you are playing over there
Okay, maybe I read you wrong. I agree that nobody will try to acquire details through mullvad to prosecute this.
I read the comment like downloading music is so irrelevant, you could skip the VPN, which I would disagree with.
I once downloaded an album I had already pre-ordered, but didn’t want to wait, no VPN. Got a letter from a media lawyer within the month. Felt pretty stupid.
Valid. I never had anyone do my assignments for free and in few minute though. It seems unreasonable to assume that this has no multiplying effect. After all, I have no hard numbers either
Now this is some horrible advice. Bravo
What exactly was the tool we cheated with in the past that was equivalent to LLMs? What is your certainty based on?
Google results are tailored to the user. This is almost never good advice
If you want to get into the scene, hopefully, you made this post from a clean account that can never trace back to you. Otherwise this shit will break your back at some point.
The people you want to be in contact with, don’t want to be in contact with you. People who want to be in contact with you, are cops or stupid people.
If you need to ask, then you shouldn’t know. People who offer help are likely to deceive you.
There is still value in watching https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/The_Scene_(miniseries)
That being said, that material was highly likely already captured by existing professionals and nobody will care. Don’t risk anything for a bit of thrill. Actually releasing pirated material and actively breaking copyright law is no joke. You might think it’s good fun, but there are people who try to fuck you up as their full-time job. Pirates are often mentally ill or are motivated financially. There is no Robin Hood you could help for a greater good.
If only you could use ChatGPT during an interview the same way as when you’re employed. Then everyone would finally recognize how outstanding you are