Well, I don’t know if it should’ve felt the same. The feedback you get from deflecting a stick is just personally preferable to the feedback of haptics and a touchpad for me.
I really love the deck’s layout, the original steam controller only having one analogue stick killed it in my opinion. I could never get used to trackpads joystick emulation in games that were designed for an Xbox controller.
I use an off-brand clone of a Nespresso machine with off-brand pods. Hannah Montana Linux?
Man, I never knew that my ISP was working so hard for me.
They’re still there, just deprioritized as compared to actual helpful reviews.
Life support for a monster set aside as insurance against the day that the monster needs it.
Agreed entirely, Mozilla doing nothing would be far preferable to me here then them helping extend our current experience with advertising by working towards a future with a minimal set of meaningless concessions that Meta’s involvement with suggests would not meaningfully negatively impact their business in any way.
To my mind, fixing advertising means making advertising a much less lucrative business. Doing anything else is only making the already dire problem worse.
The Device is now more valuable than the organs and combined incomes of everyone in SubjectHometownHere.
He would’ve liked that. He was a real nice guy, always said I had a face for radio.
As my father always said: you may be a funny person, but looks don’t count for everything.
Ah gee dang, you’re right. Thanks!
It’s a quote from a Star Wars show movie.
They don’t recognize or value software patents because they aren’t recognized by the government where the project is run from.
As far as I understand it, they’re given equal weight in the order of operations, it’s just whichever you hit first left to right.
Sounds like a you problem.
Funfact: Walmart pays the vendors (usually local person who rents their own truck and buys their own stock) on scan data. If it doesn’t scan, Walmart is also not affected.
There is a DVR product called SaleGuard that can detect this from existing or integrated camera systems. It tends to work fairly well.
I mean, they’re not gonna nab you for apples unless they get enough of a rolling tally on what you took to actually prosecute usually. That’s what most corps do.
I have become hype, destroyer of expectations.