Very buggy on my Pixel 7 Pro. Sticking with the older version for now
Very buggy on my Pixel 7 Pro. Sticking with the older version for now
what’s funimation? I have aniwave
I use https://searx.be/ with both Google and DDG results enabled. Otherwise if you want something like Google results you would have to use Start page, although they pay Google for access to their search so you would be indirectly supporting Google.
That’s not really how it works. It would only make them look stupid if they did that, and increase the risk of being voted out in the next election. Because of the filibuster, legislation generally needs 60 votes in the Senate before it goes to the president. Democrats have 51 seats, with two frequent defectors. Imagine if Biden’s record going into 2024 is that he vetoed every single piece of legislation.
Democrats have a slim majority in the senate, which is not enough to get whatever they want done without compromising, especially considering that two senators are not as left wing as the rest of the party.
As far as war and military spending goes, I agree that the party could do better.
Generally, there’s no need for anything other than uBlock Origin.
That is what I do, however it is very tedious when you want to listen to full albums, and add info to the file such as the album art and artist. Services like Spotify also sync your Library and playlist automatically across devices.
Works fine on desktop here, on mobile I just use Newpipe
What do you mean?
I think arkenfox is better because you can get updates faster and automatically.
I always use the Bitwarden auto-fill option in my notification shade. You can enable it in the Bitwarden app settings. You can also change how long it takes for the vault to re-lock itself.
FireFox Beta and Nightly, and forks like Fennec and Mull from F-Droid support all add-ons.
Libgen dot is
I’ve given up on it. While I think it was silly to remove, I’ve come to find it just as silly to be so attached to a cable. Bluetooth and USBC headphones have worked just fine for me.