Unfortunately I don’t think completely automating my resume is going to happen. It’s just a dream :( I’ve finally found something that got the attention of an employer though, so hopefully my job search will be over soon.
I’m still itching to do something with NLP/LLMs, but I’ll have to define the problem more rigorously rather than throw out nebulous desires. Thanks for the response!
Are there any good resources to learn more about the vast tribes the North American continent was home to? I’ve always felt ignorant to the rich history and connection with the Earth that the tribes held and passed down.
Not sure about the accuracy of the top map, but it looks like that format could be a great educational opportunity.
On a lighthearted note, if you’re from the bay, give Café Ohlone a visit! I had the pleasure of meeting the two head chefs at an event where they cooked for the audience. They showed how candy cap mushrooms, acorn flour, and a duck egg could be incorporated into a brownie mix. I can’t speak for the actual restaurant, but it was delicious what they made :)