Because that’s where the political will is.
Because that’s where the political will is.
We should blame the long sequence of court decisions that allowed corporations to accumulate so much unchecked power.
Edit: why the downvote? I have no idea what the objection is.
He said “progressive Dem majority,” not “Dem majority.”
She would’ve been thoroughly mediocre, but that still would’ve been infinitely preferable to what we got.
such a pocket or ai tools
And that, right there, is why nobody fucking wants that shit in Firefox to begin with!
Inspired by yesterday’s Jeff Geerling video, were we?
Absolutely, it might be tied with Galaxy Quest for my favorite Star Trek movie. And even if your tastes lean more towards drama or action than comedy, it’s still very close to the top of the list.
Username checks out.
Movin’ on up the flagpole!
I was gonna write “keep in mind that most canned tuna is skipjack, which is the smallest tuna species, so each fish only produces a relatively few cans.” Then I did the math, and found out that even a skipjack has about a hundred cans worth of muscle on it!
Nobody posted the copypasta yet? I guess it’s gotta be me, then.
glxinfo | grep Vendor
Vendor: Mesa (0xffffffff)
Yep, you’re using software rendering and your extremely fast GPU is sitting there idle. Talk to System76 about enabling the correct driver.
(That was obvious from the initial “0-10 FPS in KSP” symptom, of course – even my 7-year-old AMD GPU, a Vega 56, can run that game just fine, and I’m pretty sure the AMD GPU I had before that could too.)
But if we don’t call it a “disaster,” how can we disparage the copyleft GNU tooling and push the corporate-exploitation-friendly, permissively-licensed alternative instead?
(Not saying the video is doing that – I haven’t even watched it yet – but it’s something that happens all too often in general.)
“Elongate” is too flattering towards him.
Windows are expensive and developers want to maximize profit, so spec-built homes often have the minimum amount of fenestration required by the building code.
I did not love bonzi buddy.
You say “yet” as if there’s any indication it will ever start.
Harris was 100% on the wrong side of the Gaza genocide and also not even a little bit economically progressive. That second part – the abject refusal to do meaningful things to help the working class – is how she lost to Trump. People were seduced by Trump’s dishonest and wrong, but easy, “scapegoat the minorities” answers to the question of how to restore prosperity.