The ocean:
tar -cvjSf thatDude.tar.bz2 thatDude
The ocean:
tar -cvjSf thatDude.tar.bz2 thatDude
Tastes already like seasoned cardboard.
It’s the chimney.
But will he run around and desert us?
Yes. Until now without ragrets.
Google: kill child process
FBI: ಠ_ಠ
Google: kill child process linux console
I became a fan after I got used to nice color schemes, buffers/tabs, horizontal/vertical splitting, file browsing with NERDTree and highlighting changes with GITGutter.
You ask for tips? Add VIM commands you use regularly (like paste mode toggle for example) to a keyboard shortcut (like leader key + p) in your .vimrc settings file. It increases working speed.
Also add some plugins, they are fun and add useful functions from other editors like Sublime (ctrl-p, vim-multiple-cursors).
Yeah yeah, brag about being able to close VI the first time of use…
Why is there no wifi cassette adapter? That would be so cool.
So that you can comfortably menostart whenever you want.
In Germany they are called Kartoffeln (which is also a slur for the Germans itself).
But potatoes are also called Erdäpfel (ground apples) or in southern dialect Krombire (bent pear).
More variants here:
Source (German): https://die-kartoffel.de/wissen/schon-gewusst/kartoffel-deutsche-dialekte/
Better a sniff dog than an over-enthusiastic proctologist.
Because the bed isn’t lava.