Also sued by Oracle
Also sued by Oracle
Only using jellyfin and it has everything I pirate
Paid engineers often don’t even want to implement anti-features, but have really no options if they wish to receive their pay
This is why we praise them and spin every statement in a positive light
“I admire your creativity, but no we do not currently allow emojis in usernames”
I’d argue the end-users are animals. Primitive at that
Just a small correction; Microsoft 365, not Azure.
Azure is their cloud computing platform, similar to AWS
I think many of the people don’t understand the difference between containers vs VMs
Virtual machines do not use host kernel, they run full OS with kernel, cock and balls on virtualized hardware on top of the host OS.
Containers are using the host kernel and hardware without any layer of virtualization
There’s also this cursed thing called Windows containers
Now let me go wash my hands, keyboard and my screen after typing that
Not only that but containers in general run on the host system’s kernel, the actual isolation of the containers is pretty minimal compared to virtual machines for example.
It is passed to customer. SteamOS version is $100 cheaper than Windows version.
The windows version has 512GB more storage, but that’s ~$30 more for hardware
100GB was a decent approximation then, only 50% over the actual minimum spec
To hide the license cost for Windows.
That extra 512GB storage costs ~$30 or so but I doubt average consumer has any idea about that.
Also there’s the thing that Windows alone requires like 100GB space…
Rejected for introducing a new problem
Grrr why is it censored
You tell me, you posted it
The guthans setup seems crazy stupid 🤣 almost makes me wanna play on 2nd character
But then again doing barrows eww
I went with Trian -> Fremmy -> Kourend and all on range>melee. For relics harpoon, dodgy deals, clue compass, golden god, slayer master, bankers note, overgrown and last stand.
Have had a blast powering through echo bosses and cox, and had couple attempts in Inferno for the first time. 3 wipes on Zuk now haha.
Otherwise I’m happy with the choices, but honestly not sold on Tirannwan. Sure there’s ton of easy tasks and crystal+BofA, but 1 for going very dry on BofA and the fact that it’s losing in DPS for both blowpipe and tbow everything I do I kinda wish I took Varlamore instead
What you’re planning?
Been enjoying the Raging Echoes league in Oldschool RuneScape for the past couple weeks. Kind of found new addiction to the game again.
It’s kind of fun to blast through content in days or weeks instead of the usual months or years in the main game