I’d guess it should send a “see how I can provide for food even without using money” kind of way?
But yeah it’s stupid
I’d guess it should send a “see how I can provide for food even without using money” kind of way?
But yeah it’s stupid
Wouldn’t it be more realistic if Barbie was also Ken? Since most catfishs are dudes going for dudes?
Or is the meme referring to something else?
Can’t have the already well-off children go without their steady income that they didn’t have to work for…
Yeah Battery capacity getting low is one of the main reasons why most people replace their phones
Once you are able to just switch to a fresh battery again and clean up some of the apps running on your phone it’s as good as new in most cases and people wouldn’t buy new phones as often.
Can’t have people not buying new things regularly…
Yeah but afaik downloading in Germany isn’t against the law since it’s allowed to download a “backup copy” of things you actually own legally so it’s pretty much never enforced. The only way people in Germany get sued is for uploading but then a couple of bytes is already enough in many cases
My girlfriend got a legal claim for using stremio when her vpn failed which in Germany is only possible if you actively upload something so I’d say it does that
Or use adnauseam and fuck up their ad-tracking infrastructure beyond just blocking the ads
Better yet: Or use adnauseam and fuck up their ad-tracking infrastructure beyond just blocking the ads
China is not a country that gives subsidies but a corporation that invests in branches it wants to grow
I’d imagine the situation is more dire to those filmmakers and journalists that do narration as a job
Why would you need them if you can just use the voice of an AI impersonating famous speakers like this
yeah - they put out statements that they will do everything they can to keep adblockers alive and even implemented a browser-level blocklist for the worst case - but let’s see how that will work once Google starts turning the screws on Chromium tighter
Vivaldi Mobile
Need to update my blocklists though
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My kind of humour when one of the main reasons for switching to Firefox right now is the adblock
The backups aren’t unless you specifically set it up which I guess most people don’t
Reddit also doesn’t have one except for the Network-Effect keeping users there.
Sadly some of the more specific subs didn’t migrate to Lemmy :/
I guess it depends on what pedophilia is in the end of how it’s developed.
If it’s more like a sexual preference then it’s probably there already when someone is born and not changeable, but if it’s more like a fetish then those are (afaik) related to experiences and exposures while growing up and actually can change and develop over time - and in that case it could be really dangerous to have that kind of material floating around freely.
Just searched for it and it’s there if you look for it.
Was not at all on my feed after scrolling all the way to the bottom though - only after looking for it.
There seem to be a total of 13 podcasts on there :D
Not every country is like the us
Especially in Europe a lot of them try to better people instead of punishing them and many have special institutions for teenagers that are my like psychiatric wards than prisons