Well, that’s not really charging, now is it?
Well, that’s not really charging, now is it?
Happy customer personally, never had these complaints.
As opposed to metaphorical microplastics?
Player demo: https://demo.foundryvtt.com/join
It’s worth the money, I’ve bought it twice.
If you can’t afford 50 bucks right now, try it owlbear rodeo. Foundry usually goes on sale later in the year.
Obligatory https://xkcd.com/927/
This isn’t about hardware, though. The experiment was performed on a Switch.
Lego Island… What a fucking legendary game.
I still don’t understand why this was a better idea than a train.
Morrowind and Oblivion are probably both on my top ten list of best games ever, if not top 25. I used to be a huge Bethesda fan. Starfield is perhaps the most disappointing game I have ever played. I tisk say worst, mind you, I said disappointing. Any excitement I had for ES6 is well and truly gone.
Is that new? I’ve definitely made multiple accounts and I only have one number.
I dunno, sorry to hear about your experience. I’ve never had a thumb downed song come back up, not ever. And it absolutely affects what kinds of things come up in my radios.
Do you ever thumb down anything, or do you just skip the stuff you don’t like?
Not been my experience. Yt music playlists are really good for me and I’ve discovered a lot of new music through it.
I’d say private, not unlisted.
plenty of quality art (stark contrast to youtube)
Then why do you watch YT at all?
Traffic is not even close from anything I can find. YouTube gets as many hits in a month as PH does in a year.
What makes you think any free option that takes YouTube’s place won’t have just as many ads? The traffic that pornhub gets compared to YouTube is not really comparable.
People who have different world views than you are not automatically trolls. You’d do well to consider that.
are you refusing to see eye to eye with someone who buys a house somewhere because their career moved, then chooses to keep the old one because they were able to rent it?
If that’s the case, why?
I will kindly direct you to my very first comment in this thread. Cheers.
How about both?