porn would have to be on premises
This is how your premises become sticky
porn would have to be on premises
This is how your premises become sticky
“No your honor, I was drunk when bought those bitcoins at the peak so I couldn’t legally enter an agreement, I want a refund”
Sure that’ll work
They’ll call it a “fair use policy” and the exact limits are secret
brother I don’t think you read the post at all
“Oh sorry we thought is was called the Geneva Checklist”
I’ve been fairly polite in this thread but I’m tempted to call you stupid. I won’t
That’s a lot of words to just call someone stupid and try to get away with it
What was it again? “Don’t attribute to malice when it can be attributed to stupidity” something something?
I’ve been doing this for years as well since I once saw a calendar notification (which is at 9:00 for an all-day activity) stop my alarm after ringing for a second. Been paranoid ever since…
If you tell someone “there’s a fire!” with anguish they’ll assume it’s in the building because what moron phrases it like that if it doesn’t directly impact the person you’re speaking to.
This is more im14andthisisdeep material than shouwerthought
Using network storage to store your swapfile is one of the… um, more interesting ideas I’ve heard today