If ducks tied bananas to their feet.
If ducks tied bananas to their feet.
This is the most beautiful thing I’ve ever seen
Those are fighting words, and also pretty inaccurate unless you’re from Louisiana or something
I haven’t seen one of these in person. Is it roughly the size of a Sega Game gear?
That’s why I loved the steam controllers…
You don’t think the sun has destroyed more dreams in both figurative and literal senses?
Or capitalism?
Whoa whoa! Hey there’s only so many girls with Daddy problems to go around man.
And look- people can pull off the skinny elf look but they can’t pull off Orlando Bloom.
Also who’s in the middle top?
Oh God they’re removing faces from people?!? 😭
WHY?! They have no mouth but they must scream!
Computers is teachibg rocks to think
Relative size, I’d assume
So 15 years ago they said don’t be an asshole, and yet here you are
Well… You’re still in the race with HL3
Google, please stop. I enjoyed my assistant that now googles ‘make an alarm’ or ‘appointment’ or gemini burns a small lake to do it for me instead now…
I don’t want you to change “recent” into " recent but also people who you have pictures of, we very you’d like to talk to your aunt who you took a picture with your nephew of wouldn’t you?"
Google please stop
Wow that genuinely looks unbelievable!
It’s like an old mall or whatever map except without you are here and movable!
Lol no we just like when the mothra fights godzilla.
Oh that “free” magazine that I was forced to purchase if I wanted full price for my GameStop exchanges or purchases?
Oh well.
It doth take one to know one! Baha! I have japed thee!
Normally me too, but then there’s always one game I want 60fps that I’m like wait I thought I maxed out my build pretty decently for my budget and it’s like, you can play on ultra sure but there will be so many 5 fps hiccups