You can use gamescope with anything, it’s a micro compositor. You can add it to the launch parameters in steam, lutris has an option to start games with gamescope, or you can simply open the game with gamescope and wine from the terminal.
You can use gamescope with anything, it’s a micro compositor. You can add it to the launch parameters in steam, lutris has an option to start games with gamescope, or you can simply open the game with gamescope and wine from the terminal.
Gamescope is great to use even on desktops, it runs the games in its own little shell which is particularly good for compatibility with old games where you can change stuff like resolution, fullscreen, keyboard layout… without impacting your distro.
The layout is just gnome, pretty sure you can change the DE if you want to, and yeah it does look like android which isn’t necessarily a bad thing considering desktop usage is getting replaced by mobile.
Steam and the other loaders (lutris, bottles…) take care of all the compatibility stuff just fine; the tweaks are actually the ones that can be bothersome to get, not that the performance difference matters much anyways…
Wine can run 32 bit games with WOW64 without the 32 bit libraries
Dxvk is usually better, but using vulkan is the better strategic move, you’ll increase their vulkan stats and provide QA. Good native vulkan support will beat dxvk every time.
Gaming on linux is a decades old ongoing effort, there’s plenty of praise to go around, vulkan and winehq, dxvk…
As a fix, you can run the game through gamescope which should sandbox the game.
Wait for one month for the new GPUs to come out, wait for the drivers to catch up, wait for the benchmarks… Or just buy a tried and tested GPU right now.