Just as insane as it is today if you ask me
Just as insane as it is today if you ask me
Which fascist movement? american or israel?
People around the world already live in terror of what USA government may do to them
who just don’t have a desire to care.
With this attitude don’t expect people to be supportive of your wrong choices
and they specifically forbid the use of VPN during the interview.
Don’t trust anyone who does that
If the red and blue party wins again the genocide goes on. The alternative is something else not one of these two
Why don’t we ever hear about them making moves in those races?
Because mass media are own by government and rich people. If you try to compete with them they take you down
Supporting and voting a party complicit in a genocide is not just a “feeling”. Dozens of kids are being murdered daily in gaza, this is already the worst scenario.
All the women dying of ectopic pregnancies or sepsis from stillbirths they cannot abort are on you.
Wrong, these are on people voting for the red and blue party which for a century have been cycling in power promoting the same authoritarian politics.
The GOP will let Russia have Ukraine where they will rape and murder anyone who resists
I encourage you to read about the cold war and check how many military bases the us has spread all over the world. I also encourage you to read about ukraine government corruption and their authoritarian measures and lastly i encourage you to check who usa and russia are in partnership with.
The government spend billions of dollars to make sure third parties are nowhere to be seen. This post being evidence. You got a fascist party and one involved in a genocide yet you see warnings about not voting for anyone else.
Spin it as much as you want. Anyone supporting, endorsing, or voting for a party with blood in his hand fueling a genocide is directly complicit in the crime
Voting is a direct act of endorsement
Its only meaning is in the differential effects of the policies of the two candidates your vote decides between
There aren’t only two candidates.
You absolutely should support and endorse a party you believe in, but don’t mistake voting in a presidential election for either of those things.
There’s no confusion, a party perpetrating war and genocide is evil and if you support them you are evil too.
All it takes is a bunch of celebrities endorsing third parties and it’s done. At some point in your lifetime you will probably see a third party winning in the usa and it will simply happen with media and celebrities redirecting everyone vote. It happens all the time in other countries: people get tired of the local rulers and to keep protests and disorder at bay the government through mass media redirects attentions to a new and fresh party that already got bribed and corrupted by the ruling class.
Math doesn’t decide what people vote, they are free to vote anything they want. Parties don’t automatically side with each others because another is most likely to win. This video is rooted in the mindset that politics and elections are a horse race between left and right.
What’s preventing third parties from winning it’s not math but the propaganda and the power of the red and blue party. The ruling parties didn’t become this powerful mathematically. Over decades and centuries the ruling class paved their way and ensured their power with violence and repression.
The parties are already there or you couldn’t vote them, this example is stupid. Supporting parties with blood in their hands is endorsing evil.
It’s not, other planets aren’t wasting a cent and increasing their pollution for this farce and corrupted event. You win the olympics by not participating.
What’s a steam account and why would i want one?
Doesn’t sound like an easy task, perhaps a good start would be teaching them how to tie knots and learn wind direction. Once they are old enough to travel book a vacation to somalia and introduce them to the place, that’s where most of piracy is going on these days
If you want to boycott this company don’t give them ads, don’t have their logo reach the front page
You definitely are going to sleep better by not supporting any criminal with blood on his hands. There’s many other things other than voting you can do to change things for good, if you are not fine with Jill Stein and believe she’s evil don’t vote for them either