Look man when I was a kid Pluto was a planet. Therefore Pluto will always be a planet.
This mental inflexibility on my part may be related to autism, but I will never admit it.
Look man when I was a kid Pluto was a planet. Therefore Pluto will always be a planet.
This mental inflexibility on my part may be related to autism, but I will never admit it.
Straw men have only ever existed on planets. There are no straw men on Pluto. Therefore, Pluto is not a planet.
And if my grandma had wheels she’d have been a bicycle
heliocentrism is not about the sun rotating around the earth. The heliocentric model puts the sun at the center, and everything rotating around it.
Why don’t the companies want to piss off the dealers? Is some Toyota dealership really gonna stop selling Toyotas because a Toyota comes out with a self-diagnosis feature?
I’m guessing government regulation.
This feature is a no-brainer. Whenever there’s a feature the market would love (and hence pay for) the reason it isn’t there is the government doesn’t allow it.
Because self control is an empty concept.
Does a thermostat control itself? No, it controls the furnace and air conditioner.
Single-celled organisms pity us for the alienation of our being.
You’re only permitted to have one primary address. If you want a second address you’ll have to call support.
I ain’t never seen no double negative work like that before
Even if it is docker it’s still a bash script or something in the container right? Or are people referring to the docker CLI directly changing DNS records somehow?
My best guess is the reason to involve docker would be if you already have a cluster of containers as part of the project. Then you can have a container that does nothing but manage the DNS.
Remember the forgotten ones
Wouldn’t want you pining for a new haircut, obviously
Photography captures the soul in a two dimensional prison.
(ChatGPT is a real person)
Just put it in the style of Barack Obama. It’s the same style
It’s just not a good solution to the agency problem. Coercing someone with a gun to get you $300 from the ATM requires constant presence and the gun sticking into their back continuously. Trying to use the threat of possible assassination to get someone to act in a CEO role in a way beneficial to their millions of customers, that’s just not stable.
Using threat of punishment to motivate behavior is extremely unstable even in the tightest, simplest circumstances. Like you gotta be on the ball to get that person to punch in their ATM code and hand you the bills. Even that straightforward action is barely stable in terms of the incentive structure.
You simply can’t coerce a class of people with targeted assassinations. It’s too loose, too abstract, to unstable as a mechanism of control.
Far out, man