It’s not proprietary, so it could be shit on a shingle and still beat plex. I’m not installing anything proprietrary on anything I own.
It’s not proprietary, so it could be shit on a shingle and still beat plex. I’m not installing anything proprietrary on anything I own.
Does that mean I could rip the oci image out of a docker and run ir as an lxc?
I much prefer dealing with lxc systems than docker even if dockers are lighterweigth.
I feel more in control with using lxc
Lxc doesn’t use oci images? I always end up using docker in lxc when dockeris the only option (which I have not figured how to makw work on my airgapped side
Can you run pi-hole in lxc without also needing docker ?
Not open source so hell no
That sounds great Yes, I would select a grouping containing a certain topic and train a lora of it
Hello, I tried pasting that into the URL bar But firefox autoremoves the “javascript:” in front. When I type it manually still, it does nothing.
So I pressed F12, went to console tab and pasted it there
It fails with “Uncaught (in promise) ReferenceError: PlacesUtils is not defined”
Here is a human readable version of this command
I’m just trying to create a bookmark with a script, so I can create the 40 or so special bookmarks with search keywords that I want, without wiping all the bookmarks like an import would. Also I want to just automate this for my OS re-installation.
javascript:(async () => {
// Define variables for bookmark details
let folderTitle = "S"; // The name of the folder where the bookmark will be stored
let bookmarkTitle = "GPT Classic"; // The title of the bookmark
let bookmarkURL = "https://chatgpt.com/g/g-YyyyMT9XH-chatgpt-classic/?q=%25s"; // URL of the bookmark, %25s is the URL-encoded version of %s
let keyword = "cc"; // The keyword to access the bookmark directly from the address bar
// Find or create the folder in the Bookmarks Toolbar
let folderGuid = (await PlacesUtils.bookmarks.search({
parentGuid: PlacesUtils.bookmarks.toolbarGuid, // Look in the Bookmarks Toolbar
title: folderTitle // Look for the folder with the given title
}))[0]?.guid; // If the folder is found, get its GUID
if (!folderGuid) {
// If the folder doesn't exist, create it
folderGuid = (await PlacesUtils.bookmarks.insert({
parentGuid: PlacesUtils.bookmarks.toolbarGuid, // Add it to the Bookmarks Toolbar
title: folderTitle, // Use the specified folder title
type: PlacesUtils.bookmarks.TYPE_FOLDER // Specify that it's a folder
// Add the new bookmark to the folder
await PlacesUtils.bookmarks.insert({
parentGuid: folderGuid, // Add the bookmark inside the created folder
title: bookmarkTitle, // Use the specified bookmark title
url: bookmarkURL // Use the specified bookmark URL
// Add a keyword to the bookmark for quick access
await PlacesUtils.keywords.insert({
keyword: keyword, // The keyword that can be used in the address bar
url: bookmarkURL // The URL associated with the keyword
// Notify the user that the bookmark and keyword were added successfully
alert(`Bookmark "${bookmarkTitle}" added to folder "${folderTitle}" with keyword "${keyword}"!`);
Thanks, I was put off by the install process but now I will give it another go.
How do you like searxng and have you considered hosting openstreetmaps?
You are grieving for something that never really existed. If it exists and we are bold enough, then it exists in the future but you’ll have to trade your grief for hope, and an aluminium baseball bat.
Because American democracy, is not real and this is a scientifically proven fact. https://act.represent.us/sign/problempoll-fba/
“The preferences of the average American appear to have only a miniscule, near-zero, statistically non-significant impact upon public policy.” Gilens & Page, Perspectives in Politics
They even made a video about it https://youtu.be/5tu32CCA_Ig
And I found this, but I can’t read it.
Why Estimates of the Impact of Public Opinion on Public Policy Are Too High: Empirical and Theoretical Implications -Paul Burstein
Do you think all of this is amplified by state actors like Russia and the Saudis?
I mean, no couple who decided to prop up their phone on the night stand and bang in front of millions is going to fill out registration documents and identify themselves. My stuff is gone too, I didn’t do it for money and I don’t jump through up or fulfill demands to share what I graciously offered for free, so fuck them.
I really never looked back and I’m pretty sure it’s exactly how I imagine it is. Garbage porn made with commercial intent in studios with directors, camera crew and shit, artless and empty, if not teasingly exploitative with cuts meant to frustrate you until you get your credit card out
Pornhub became shit overnight, I haven’t bothered since.
Legalize recreational nukes, worldwide.
Why not shutdown tiktok, emprison copycats?
Is there a concept of content discovery, where tell it I like this this that etc and it finds music you don’t know but will like in the library?
Great, I’ll try with docker-mailserver, which I’m running inside docker inside a debian lxc