Yeah. Considering how hard it is to cook up news sources that support your propaganda. There is not one reputable source in your references. And you start celebrating!
Yeah. Considering how hard it is to cook up news sources that support your propaganda. There is not one reputable source in your references. And you start celebrating!
Source: Western Media
Which lie 105% of the time. The extra 5% is when they make random shit up and lie more to justify the random shit they made up.
Compared to what? The obscure, unsubstantiated, suspicious and clearly pro-Chinese news sources referenced here by you and your buddies?
It’s definitely the second - paid. Look how new people are turning up with long posts supposedly debunking ‘western propaganda’, supported by suspicious external sources. Also not how a pro- China post here is upvoted by multiple people as soon as it’s posted. All these could be one person. Even so, why go through so much trouble supporting a person others consider as a dictator?
Wow! The amount of dishonesty in your words is staggering. Nobody pretended that it was against one person - they mentioned only one person. You’re the one who twisted their words and pretended that it’s against an entire race. In fact, you are the only one who mentioned the Chinese race here.
And the racist tirade against Africans. They didn’t say that - you did. You made a racist insult in order to argue that others are racist. To be honest, no one else here is anywhere close to a racist as you are.
And please stop hiding behind ridiculous accusations of racism. It’s an extremely common and cheap tactic employed by autocrats to misdirect.
Somebody compares your dear supreme dictator to a cartoon bear. You: “You are racist against all Chinese”.
Even after others clarify that it’s against one person, you have your ears plugged and crying racism. You know what it sounds like? A scripted act to pretend that you’re morally right. In fact, I have seen this so many times. It’s from your masters’ propaganda playbook, isn’t it?
Your second point is especially interesting, considering the recent xz backdoor. The bad actors manipulated a poor burnt out maintainer for it. In comparison, I’m impressed with gorhill for his perseverance and mental strength. I would like to know how he avoids burn out with such negative influences.
Easy. He classifies his lies by his company:
Though you may be right, I have a feeling that he is facing formidable opposition. That may include anything from social engineering to full on psyops.
Can you imagine the amount of corruptive influences and persuasions he is resisting?
Sure they do. I’m just saying that laser printers are the lesser evil.
I’m not at all asking for a government monopoly on making printers, if that wasn’t clear.
Printers are the text book examples of why device manufacturing shouldn’t be left to big companies. You have tracking dots, spyware infestation, subscription for ink/toners, reporting of the cartridge as empty when you still have much left in it, refusal to print when unused color cartridges are empty, intentional bricking if 3rd party cartridges or ink is used, and utterly crappy firmware in general.
Inkjets require precision manufacturing. But assembling it or other types from components should be possible - like how desktops, mechanical keyboards, etc can be. We really need to ditch filthy mass market printers because DIY printers will be much better than anything they offer.
They probably started with the inkjets. More so, considering that inkjets have turned into a money grabbing scam. You’re better off with a laser printer if you need only B&W.
A trillion dollar company demanding 30% cut of revenue of small developers, on top of annual developer fees and exorbitantly priced hardware with zero reparability and severe environmental impact isn’t monetarily expensive enough for you? That isn’t loyalty. It’s stupid fanaticism that harms everyone else. And I don’t want to even start about the petty part.
Remember! The US backed the biggest genocide after the Holocaust - the Bangladesh massacre of 1972, where 30 million people are estimated to have been murdered. The reason was that the Pakistani dictator who instigated the genocide was their ally. And they didn’t like Mujib-ur-Rehman, the newly elected East Pakistani (Bangladeshi) leader, because he was a socialist! The US even tried to intervene militarily to help the war criminals, nearly starting a nuclear world war.
Democratic leaders tend to be pro-people. And that makes them US’s enemies. The antidemocratic tag that the US has is well-deserved.
He might be the very reason that phrase was invented, considering how many innocent young lives he took.
I think Henry Kissinger is one of those unifying things. It’s amazing, black or white, communist or capitalist, east or west…
Oh! Is that why they gave him the Nobel piss prize?
Your answer to everything is just trash? Keep it to yourself.