Who said anything about linux
Who said anything about linux
It really depends. I actually needed to learn a bit about networking to be able to host multiple things on nginx on the same port. Internally they run on different ports, but they can get routed by the host name
I mean, it’s not like I haven’t spent hours debugging windows. Why is the sound crackling? WHY?
Never solved it and Linux just worked
Desktop dungeon type games where you need to mouse over stuff.
Jellyfin didn’t scan my files because they were not organized correctly
Just let me browse the damn folder
It’s good they have an open source driver for Linux, but some of those results are really bad, especially gaming
So you must care quite a bit, then
Desktop mode is kind of funky, though. You need to open steam to type on the on-screen keyboard, lol. App store got patched and it’s better, but sometimes the apps get stuck downloading and I need to open up the command line to make them install
They should tell Russia to eat a dick. Remember when Google did that to China? I thought it was very cool of them
WTF on the part of Mozilla
But what transformations are they stable to?
You can mess with the levels to see any hidden watermarks
I too, enjoy not being able to watch videos when YouTube API had been changed
South Korea has no guns and people manage to jump off bridges just fine
SK has a much higher suicide rate than the US, so maybe the underlying issue should be fixed instead of trying to impose higher barriers to people trying to kill themselves
Ad blocking on Android is the killer feature. Can’t possibly go into the YouTube app and watch there, it’s cancerous
Only if you count suicides. The countries that don’t have guns still have suicides, so banning guns would not prevent those deaths.
That’s why I grab the Chinese versions of stuff in the original language, they seem to not care about license and encode in h265 in the app
It’s comparable, sometimes better
I only download h265 because my drive is filling up as well. I can usually play it back easily in software, except for film grain that wrecks the performance
You can just try zeroSSL. Either add a DNS record they give you or host the file they give you, it’s much simpler