Be the change you wish you see in the world. :)
Be the change you wish you see in the world. :)
Nobody appreciates a Kindergarten Cop joke around here I guess
I’m psyched for you! I just researched hardware benchmarks and ordered a new AMD laptop and planned to run Linux. But I didn’t research well, because the Wifi card doesn’t have official drivers yet and I couldn’t be bothered to learn to edit, make from source, and load alternate drivers, so I retreated to Win10 for a little. I’ll try again later.
OK don’t lynch me, but has anyone tried on Docker for Windows? Since this is Linux first, it looks like a lot of the environment paths are Linux-only. It solves a need for me, but I haven’t dived into switching fully to Linux gaming.
“Snitches get stitches” Doesn’t quite roll off the tongue.
There’s always Charity Navigator, they rate charities based on financial health and accountability, at least. I’ve not heard any controversy with it, for what it’s worth
How tested are the proprietary protocols for data safety?
I liked What because their values shone through by making everyone contribute at least once. The other privates I have are just higher quality public trackers, to me.
Same combo, can use it on android (and probably iOS), windows, linux; the plugins really extend Obsidian’s abilities.
To the point where a lot of gamers have paid for more games than they’d ever have time to play.
Great point about paid plans. I didn’t look closely at the project today - they didn’t have any paid plans when I was first trying it in 2020 (and ultimately decided downloading the preferred source was good enough and abandoned trans-coding).
This is a more script based solution I’ve tried in the past for ongoing ISOs with decent results. Good luck!
It is, but there are some barriers not present on a *nix OS. Docker runs on the Windows Subsystem for Linux (WSL) as a prerequisite.
Ha, Rentals on Plex sure didn’t evoke their intended reaction from me. Agreed on the Verge article, too. Thanks for sharing!
the hacker obtained and used the member’s credentials to authenticate the requests to the server as a member library.
Hacking is the act of breaking into a computer system without authorization or exceeding authorized access.
This part could be hacking. Not that I care and think this is frivolous.
requiring around-the-clock efforts from November 2022 to March 2023 to attempt to limit service outages and maintain the production systems’ performance for customers.
Doesn’t major hosting require 24/7 monitoring anyway? Like they should have been doing this for more than just 11/22 to 3/23.
Github is really a great piracy bro.
It’s not just the prices, people are lazy.
Or they just demand good value for their service. Netflix hugely curtailed piracy in their early days. Same with Valve’s Steam.
Awesome to see, good luck to you!
If you’re looking for tips, I’d try to set up Prowlarr first if you intend to use it, it’ll save some reconfiguration down the line.
Though I don’t find anything as complex as mounting and permissions in the *arrs, haha.
But my favorite part about tinkering with home servers is just learning a little at a time, expanding naturally. It’s easy to find guides that are the “ultimate, best server configs”, but unless you understand what benefits they’re offering, you can’t really determine what fits best for YOUR needs.
I started with CouchPotato on Windows years ago and now have *arrs running through docker on headless boxes and keep adding on fun services.
I just bought a few 18tb from serverpartsdeals (via eBay) and they’re working well for now. YMMV of course.
Yep, it’s what I use, though I remember having some difficulty with the initial setup, its been very reliable since.