Can we get a tldr for the approach used?
Can we get a tldr for the approach used?
Ok then, who’s the other guy?
No problem. I’m not sure if all of that would run on all the platforms I use.
In Java you would say “throw e;” (to rethrow the same exception you just caught.)
You wouldn’t just say “throw”
Or you could also throw some other exception. But the syntax requires you specify what it is you are throwing. (And sane in C++, where you could throw any object, even a primitive.)
So that was my question.
Everyone is entitled to their own opinion.
I was kind of being sarcastic. I haven’t written a compiler since I rode my dinosaur to college. Still it’s a funny idea. Could probably do it in C using a bunch of pound defines.
Is that the guy from Star Trak?
Post the GitHub repo.
I will help you make this happen.
No it’s not “basically Java”
Aside from how Microsoft stole it, fucked the standard library, fucked the naming conventions, etc. You would never just “throw” without specifying what you were throwing.
I’m not so sure. Send a link.
I don’t get the joke. Is the one on the left actually valid C# code?
Why is main capitalized but not printf???
If they are trying to follow German rules where nouns are capitalized, I guess this explains why their version of int would be capitalized, but that’s super annoying. Maybe C# is based on this.
You whiners and complainers are all lucky. I don’t see anyone mentioning PL/SQL.
Hold your thumbnail.
I like the rain. Stay inside, open a window or a door. Watch and listen to the rain. Or go out in a covered area like a porch.
This thread is giving me so much anxiety. I can’t read any more of these comments.
What’s your name?
You’re nuts?
I’m just guessing. I could be wrong.
Their fishing boat is called Dot Net.
You might want to cache things, like handles to resources or other dependencies?