i agree people are angry. After hearing so many people talk about the issues they are angry about it becomes very obvious they are ignorant on the topics. But it’s not just ignorant, its a fundamental world view issue.
Look at the economy. People want to blame Dems for inflation. The US is doing the best of first world countries to combat it but no one seems to get that. You ask these same people what would fix the problem and they look to either kick out immigrants or “stick it to foreign countries.” Well the immigrants arent taking high paying jobs and neither are foreign countries. So either you really dont get how things work, or you’re kind of racist/xenophobic. And after the past years of issues where people are just generally being assholes to one another, i tend to want to believe this is really just deep levels of hate we kept hidden before. Trump didnt make people hate more, he just made it socially acceptable.
If I’m wrong and its just ignorance on how the world works and people voted poorly… doesn’t really solve much.
All the children songs were like that. Remeber singing about the animals boarding the ark two by two. They seemed to skip over all the children on earth drowning.