Born a sconie right on Lake Michigan, lived in Iowa for a handleful of years for college, then moved to Sota where I live currently. Software Engineer for 20+ years, Ham Radio Operator, lover of retro graming, old time radio and the outdoors.


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Joined 2 years ago
Cake day: September 9th, 2022


  • i agree people are angry. After hearing so many people talk about the issues they are angry about it becomes very obvious they are ignorant on the topics. But it’s not just ignorant, its a fundamental world view issue.

    Look at the economy. People want to blame Dems for inflation. The US is doing the best of first world countries to combat it but no one seems to get that. You ask these same people what would fix the problem and they look to either kick out immigrants or “stick it to foreign countries.” Well the immigrants arent taking high paying jobs and neither are foreign countries. So either you really dont get how things work, or you’re kind of racist/xenophobic. And after the past years of issues where people are just generally being assholes to one another, i tend to want to believe this is really just deep levels of hate we kept hidden before. Trump didnt make people hate more, he just made it socially acceptable.

    If I’m wrong and its just ignorance on how the world works and people voted poorly… doesn’t really solve much.

  • When those politicians are up for re-election, it’s fairly easy for someone to tabulate whether or not those goals were met. If there are extenuating circumstances (overwhelming opposition, for example), then they can use that to defend themselves. This would help hold their feet to the fire.

    Oddly it seems like little to no Republican voters recognize that Trump never passed anything of substance. They also seem to not understand how the economy actually works, see that during a booming economy Trump ran up one of the largest deficits. Trump sought to get rid of major safety nets which lower and middle class tend to use the most and tend to also be the redest counties.

    If you tabulate up all the pros and cons for the Republican candiate, aside from normalizing hate, all of the perceived benefits are just voters not paying attention in their civics classes in highschool. I don’t think expecting voters to actually do their due diligence really works.

  • So what you’re asking for is the party politic talking points they already publish and never actually vote for? We already have a party that says one thing and have voted consistently against their entire published position for a good 40+ years. I don’t see much changing there.

    I think a better solution is to hold politicians feet to the fire. When they have debates play the clip of them from a rally stating they want to X horrible thing or where they just negated their previous statement. “You claim to he for a working wage but lets play the clip from CSPAN where you are against increasing minimum wage and call people working in fast food ‘lazy and dumb’”.

    Unfortunately a huge portion of voters dont care about actual facts and vote purely by ideology or religious views or are easily swept up in the propaganda l. We should be outlawing ads that are obvious false statements or try and bend the situation to look drastically different.

  • I think the big issue with this is we would fall prey to the BS spin some parties like to push. Based on their stated goals like focusing on the family, workers rights, smaller government, you’d think they are a great option. But once you start yo listen to the candidates talk what you find out is that their entire list of selling points are made up and not at all what they want to push.

    While i agree some of the personal life stuff is ridiculous, looking at how some of these politicians act in society we aee exactly what they will be doing when “representing” all of us. If the candidate is a horrible person I’d hope that people qould recognize that they will not service the people fairly. But post pandemic we have seen that there is a lot of really crappy people out there who used to just keep quiet about their horrible views, today they are just lacking shame.

  • Back then i only had a few games but among all my friends we had a pretty good collection. As an adult playing on a retro console I’ve started to go through a lot of the games i never tried or didn’t own and only played a few times.

    While I’d say the total NES library is a majority of garbage games (publishers just figuring out how to make games, not how to make good games) I think the big thing i noticed is that the good 8bit games look and feel drastically different than the garbage ones. When you learn the history of the games then it makes sense.

    The quality of the sprites, the extensive design of menus, transitions and other interactions, the storyline and dialogue. Even with only 8bits and crappy resolution the output for many of the good games actually looked and played well back then and even now. But I’d say about 90% of the NES catalog was garbage back then and still is now.

  • I think the difference is that in the 8bit generation yhe majority of the game were bad relative to each other. The peak of the bell curve for 8bit was between mediocre to kinda bad games.

    While there are more games in later generations, it feels like the console manufacturers took more control and regulated what was published. Bad games happen now because of shitty business decisions and bad story writing. You dont see garbage being published just because you can.

  • All of my gaming is super retro or low tech. I do have an XBoxOne but i rarely use it. Computer is old so games on there are mostly old old stuff from the 90s and early 2000s.

    Hardware wise i have an Anbernic 353V that I do a lot of retro gaming. Not a huge fan of the Gameboy style setup but its a good cheap machine.

    My kids have Switches and thats what kicked me from supporting Nintendo after they go obsolete. The Joycons on one suck and I’ve replaced the connector hardware twice now. The best version is the Lite but you cant connect it to a TV which is dumb. Their family sharing is broken (wife has digital game, i havs DLC, we are SOL).

  • Because anyone worth their salt knows that the superficial hello world example covers the tip of the iceberg. So to say you learned it in two days means you either don’t get that you barely scratched the surface or you dont get what other developers really need when they hire someone with knowledge in a specific framework.