LibreELEC made it simple.
LibreELEC made it simple.
Why you angry bro? Now you know that there is a cheap and easy way for you to watch sponge bob with out your tv knowing that you have a thing for the girl squirrel.
A rasburry pi 4.
Did you know you can connect an external device to your television and get Netflix, Disney+, Hulu, paramount, NFL, plex, youtube etc.
You might consider contacting your local news, the mix ups are cleared up real quick once public shaming is involved.
Testosterone also increases red blood cell count, so even male endurance athletes have an advantage. Look at Tigst Assefa who holds the women’s World record for a marathon at 2:11, she’s 120 lbs, the top 5 male marathon runners are all at 120 lbs too and run 10 minutes faster.
Even then there will still be physical differences. Higher testosterone levels increase the strength of individual muscle fibers and cause the body to produce more red blood cells. Muscle in males is stronger per pound and fed more oxygen.
Even at lower levels of football women are typically only kickers.
Meth dealers are probably the highest violators of the 4th crack commandment.
Like naming your daughter Methany.
This is an implementation detail to be argued about to find a fair formula.
I thought your plan was simplifying things and getting lawyers out of it, guess not.
Again, this is a matter of determining a fair mathematical formula that rewards inventors appropriately depending on the amount of sales.
How is a fair mathematical formula determined? Who decides what is appropiate? Are sales the only metric for the formula?
Also, for comparison how does our current patent system ensure that inventors recoup costs on valuable patents?
The inventor licenses the patent for for an agreed upon value. Value is determined by the market.
How does our current patent system reward downstream inventions and ideas?
See above.
You seem to have lofty goals for a new system that our current system doesn’t address.
How are those not addressed?
What patent fees? We’re talking about taxing products / services / corporate profits and then using that money to reward inventors.
Money that goes to patent holders is a patent fee no matter how the money is collected. If a company uses a patented invention but doesn’t list it how is that infringement enforced? More lawyers and lawsuits?
Again, implementation detail, but if multiple ideas contribute to the same product then the inventors of both would get rewarded.
Details are the important part, how is the value of one patent determined over another, ie how do they split the revenue.
Inventors getting a percent of sales doesn’t is a vague description.
How is the royalty rate determined?
How are cheap to manufacture/replicate inventions handled? With a low royalty rate the inventor may not recoup costs for a valuable patent.
How are products with multiple patents handled?
How are patent fees enforced?
Why would a company publish a patent in your system? They can be 1st to the market and be the only ones in the market until their competitors reverse engineer their patent.
In the current patent system the owner can choose to licenses their patent, they can choose how much licensing should cost and manufacturers can decide to pay it.
You’re awfully light on the details of how an inventor is rewarded.
You pretty much described the current patent system but instead of the market determining license fees some buerocrat does.
How do you reward inventors then?
Old knowledge is abundant, new is not. If takes effort to discover/create new knowledge. Patents and copyright are there to allow the inventor/creator an opportunity to monetize their invention.
Streaming services are middle men with exclusivity rights on products. They sell simular but different things, think of them like dealership repair shops, they both fix cars but they fix different cars.
It’s not just the prices, people are lazy. You can go to one place and get all the things or search 10 different places.
It’s not Google’s search buisness that LaLiga is going after it’s the cell phone side. LaLiga claims Google and Huawei benefited by refusing to disable the newplay app on their phones.