provided the manufacturers don’t all start requiring internet to ‘set up’ a tv
That’s an important caveat. And it appears that increasingly manufacturers are adding that requirement.
provided the manufacturers don’t all start requiring internet to ‘set up’ a tv
That’s an important caveat. And it appears that increasingly manufacturers are adding that requirement.
Apparently LG has extra features it only wants hotels to be able to use.
It’s more that hotels will buy in bulk if a TV has the features they want - and those “hotel mode” controls being hidden from typical hotel guests is one of those features.
Except some models won’t let you do anything until you “activate” your smart TV, which requires an internet connection.
8 years on an internal combustion engine is nothing if you preventative maintenance properly.
Also depends on the type and amount of driving you do.
did the product description indicate the internet connection was required?
That’s an important question.
That said, we were recently appliance shopping and none of them said that it was required, but a couple of the negative reviews mentioned it.
We ended up choosing one of the very few that didn’t list wifi or an app as a feature. Hopefully there isn’t a stealth modem hidden in there somewhere. I guess we’ll find out next week when it’s delivered…
Presumably prototyping boards with plated thru holes.
I started out with a Knoppix live-CD back in 2002. Remember that distro?
Thats what got me to start dual-booting and eventually nuke my Win XP install entirely.
It’s been all penguins ever since.
Discord works great on Linux nowadays.
And has done so for quite some time.
You don’t have to tell the truth.
Making it exactly like any other dating app.
Most that I’ve found have been on the ground near bus stops.
I’ve been a teenage boy before and I did some bone-headed things
I would be surprised if anyone with the same history didnt do at least a few completely boneheaded things at one point in their youth.
Then once you have crypto in a wallet on peertube, it has to be deposited into the CEX - that is if the CEX has that particular cryptocurrency. Should it not, then a DEX is required, which means more steps.
That’s one of the pain points with Odysee.
The crypto that they pay out with is not directly able to be converted to fiat . You have to go through an intermediary crypto coin first, then convert to something you can buy food with.
what’s the alternative scenario here?
Parents could not upload pictures of their kids everywhere in a vain attempt to attract attention to themselves?
That would be good.
If they do, that means they don’t take design seriously
The diploma mill MBAs that run the place don’t know (or care) what good design is.
They only know how to look at business costs as “cutting into our profit”.
Though now I realize you actually have to get referred by one of the other members in order to start posting
That is done with the intention of keeping the quality of content high.
I doubt they want to get flooded with low effort “let’s play” gamers or even lower effort AI voiceover stock footage crap.
Updates forced at inconvenient (or inapropriate) times aren’t a good thing though.
Don’t interrupt my work right bloody now.
You can update later when I’m done doing what I’m in the middle of.
They only do that because there is an audience there.
If we demand they use better methods of notifying the ublic, that draw for viewers/readers won’t be there either.
It amazes me how much effort people will go to in order to experience the shitshow that TwitXter is.
Just avoid entirely.
The sooner it dies the better society will be
What about after the 10th time it happens?
Or the hundredth time?
Isn’t that basically what conservapedia is?
(Link is not to the actual site, but rather to an article about them - not giving that shithole traffic)