“9 0 start” is the same number of buttons.
Yeah but you gotta move your finger from the 9 to the 0, which is slower
Also +30 seconds 3 times gets exactly 90 seconds
It didn’t have that button then
“9 0 start” is the same number of buttons.
Yeah but you gotta move your finger from the 9 to the 0, which is slower
Also +30 seconds 3 times gets exactly 90 seconds
It didn’t have that button then
A trick I learned from my dad was to do a quick “9-9-start” to get about a minute and a half
What happens when you type “1-6-0” on the time?
It’s up to you. Things to consider:
If your recovery objectives can be met with the anticipated data size and recovery speed, then you could do RAID 0 instead of RAID 1 to get higher speeds and capacity. Just know that if you do that, you better be on top of your backups because they will be needed eventually.
Ugh but it’s acting as the SAN so I have to shut down like all my servers to run updates on it. What a PITA.
Just get a Shield TV at that point.
Yup. Inside culinary classifications, fungi don’t exist. Outside of culinary classifications, vegetables don’t exist.
Same with Mercy in Overwatch. She has a little peashooter pistol but is effectively defenseless. This already exists.
Anywhere in Europe? Could contact Wube. I don’t know if they take interns but it’s worth a shot.
I even have a blu ray drive
I accept it from the notification and it still comes back. This is for consent-o-matic. Idk, I’ll try again. Maybe this time it’ll work.
I’m having the same with an add on. I’ve just been dismissing it when it comes up and hoping a bug fix comes.
1 AP, but 8 different SSIDs. Don’t forget to set the strengths on them so they show up in the right order.
Idk but I wouldn’t risk it when it’s easy to encrypt stuff. Good security is done in layers.
What about a torrent? You’ll have to encrypt with 7zip or something to keep it secure, but that and qbitorrent will do the trick.
You won’t be able to upgrade to new versions when the support contract runs out, but you can install updates to the existing version as long as updates are made for it. This has always been the lifecycle for perpetual licensing. It’s good forever, but at a certain point it becomes a security risk to continue using. The difference here is they won’t sell you another perpetual license when the lifecycle is up.
They’re terminating in the sense that they won’t sell it anymore. They’re not breaking the licensing they’ve already sold (mostly, there was some fuckery with activating licensing they sold through third parties)
Absolutely nothing. We both got the ADHD bad.