Their FAQ says that they haven’t tested this with KVM switches but that it should work. PiKVM doesn’t always work well with switches, hoping this will be better. Because off-the-shelf IPKVM switches all seem rubbish, overpriced or both.
Their FAQ says that they haven’t tested this with KVM switches but that it should work. PiKVM doesn’t always work well with switches, hoping this will be better. Because off-the-shelf IPKVM switches all seem rubbish, overpriced or both.
In the case of MAGA it’s more about Trump telling them it’s the minorities fault.
Problem is that people are fairly easily told that their less-than-optimal situation is the fault of those people, regardless of it being true or not.
It may be more directed at them than you.
Turning the US election into another battlefield of the gender war is going to make the people stoking said war very happy. And they support Trump.
They convey time instantly, without reading. You don’t even need the numbers for them to work. It’s like showing a progress bar versus just giving the percentage as a number.
The unease doesn’t come from the word itself being a grave insult but, for example, from being bullied for being “weird”.
Things I want from Firefox/Mozilla, in no particular order:
I am willing to compromise on the “unreasonable” ones 🦊
For real though, containerization isn’t the only way to separate applications from each other but totally fine, it’s the “It works on my machine, so here’s my machine” mentality that doesn’t fill me with confidence. I’ve seen too much barely-working jank in containers that probably only get updated when a new version of the containerized application itself is released.
So it’s like RMS and PMP for speakers. 600 W¹
¹ Briefly, before it blows up
It’s never too late, especially if you can combine the two!
deleted by creator
They used to make ones that can do both sides at once, but they were too complicated, expensive and basically immediately outdated when dual layer DVDs came around.
From what I hear it’s usually more about back-handed compliments than outright insults, like “wow, you must have a lot of confidence in yourself to wear that, go you!”
Hey awesome, I want to do deconstruction, we can work together!
Not an answer, just a warning: This is par for the course when it comes to Rocketchat, every major version seems to come with another piece of nagware, another limit, another thing paywalled. I run a server for the non-profit I work for and they haven’t even replied to my mails about maybe offering a more affordable licensing tier before Enterprise.
We don’t need a lot, just push notifications (which they have to pay for, so absolutely fair to limit) and LDAP integration that isn’t intentionally gimped. A supporter tier with no real extra features (we don’t need their customer-facing-type features) and very limited tech support would be really nice, but I guess they don’t want our poor people money. Gotta try just really hard to squeeze something from that stone instead.
Example: First they removed automatic LDAP syncing, then they blocked people from still doing it with cron. You now have to enter your admin password every time to sync “for security reasons” unless you pay at least $10 per user and month or something ridiculous (for a non-profit) like that. Not that you’d know from their website, they’ve removed all pricing information from there.
They’ve also limited the amount of (free, third-party) add-ons you can install while also adding a new feature that lets users see and request add-ons from admins. So many dark patterns.
Rocketchat narrowly won out over Matrix when Covid started but it sure as hell wouldn’t now.
Etcher seems stable! But it’s also a well over 100 MB download for a disk image writer. Rufus does more in less than 1% of the download size and also has a GUI.