Skip the ssl error message. I log into IP addresses all day and that flag is sanity saving.
This is what I did when I had to refurb a laptop. Swap the drives, reinstall the OS, snd hand it all to the user. All your files are on this usb drive.
Thats when you find out who understands folder structure and who doesn’t.
You make another good point. He would have started as an Ensign, not an officer. Should have been a few more years os socializing there before being promoted.
He also attended Starfleet Academy. You’d think he’d have done some socializing there. Maybe taken a couple psych classes.
I used to be pre office. I still am, but now I’m post office too.
She could probably karate-kid kick him in the chin.
For comparison, look at Jeanie vs Rooney in Ferris Beuller’s Day Off.
I highly recommend the Dungeons & Dragons movie. MR and CP had great chemistry.
They are a way to get to know each other.
From what I understand, part of Starbucks thing is catering to people who like burnt and bitter. Kind of like the emo crowd.
A human brain conceived Ohms Law with no realization of it itself was functioning.
I am amused at the idea that ones brain would be making derogatory comments about itself in the third person.
Tell us you’ve never been married without telling us you’ve never been married.
I put forth that humans coalesing en-masse in cities are like bacteria festering in an open wound.
Any news on the strikes? Isn’t there three different strikes going on at the same time? Writers, Actors, and CGI Artists I think.
Same. Ive got ff 118 and tried to install ‘i dont care about cookies’ and get that message.
TNG had an episode where a transporter issue created two Rikers and left one stranded on a deserted planet for years.
Any details on the phone?
Pay how much and how often?
$20 a month? $50 a month.