Not really, it’s just free publicity.
Unless their product is shit, of course, and no one would pay for it after trying or recommend it to others… in which case, fuck them, they deserve it for attempting to sell shit.
Not really, it’s just free publicity.
Unless their product is shit, of course, and no one would pay for it after trying or recommend it to others… in which case, fuck them, they deserve it for attempting to sell shit.
I remember when eDonkey and later eMule were brand spanking new… It took quite a while for BitTorrent to gain enough traction (and for me to get fast enough internet) for it to be better… (and, frankly, I still miss eMule’s Kademlia network’s peer to peer search capabilities…)
I mean… [ gestures broadly at everything ]
They see the world as a zero sum game. They can’t imagine being happy unless someone else is unhappy.
Regardless of how many sides there are, it is an undeniable fact that plenty of people (in the USA in particular, apparently, a majority of the voters) choose to be in (a) side(s) that want(s) to enslave, murder, and rape.
And many others choose to be in (a) side(s) that enable(s) the previous one(s).
No civilised society should accept any of those sides, or those that choose them.
Most people seem to want others not to have a good life, ignoring or disregarding the effects that might have on themselves.
Many if not most would sacrifice their own wellbeing if that guarantees that “the right people” will also suffer. They see the world as a zero sum game, and can’t conceive the possibility of having a good life if others aren’t having a bad one.
Most people suck, often to the point of being monstrous by any decent definition.
Hard drive space might be bottlenecked by the holographic principle.
If anyone deserves the Steam forums’ shit it’s these cunts.
No amount of hostility will ever reach the levels they’ve earned with their malware shit.
Look, we’re talking people who call ninety-nine “four twenty ten nine”; you can’t expect them to name things properly.
“Does it have denuvo (or any other form of malware, including microtransactions)” should be the first question.
If the answer is yes, never look at it again, and permanently blacklist both developer and publisher.
If the answer is no, then go on with the rest of the diagram.
In my case they’re facing a 100% revenue reduction regardless of when (or whether) it’s cracked.
I’m never going to buy denuvo infested malware, and developers and publishers who try to pull this shit go straight into the blacklist.
In my case they’re facing a 100% revenue reduction regardless of when (or whether) it’s cracked.
I’m never going to buy denuvo infested malware, and developers and publishers who try to pull this shit go straight into the blacklist.
In my case they’re facing a 100% revenue reduction regardless of when (or whether) it’s cracked.
I’m never going to buy denuvo infested malware, and developers and publishers who try to pull this shit go straight into the blacklist.
That’s a good rule of thumb… but it’s probably not enough; no reasonable definition would call Jupiter a star, or even a brown dwarf, or the Solar System a binary system, yet the Sol - Jupiter barycentre is outside the sun… (the whole system’s barycentre is sometimes inside the sun, but that’s due to Saturn’s, Uranus’, and Neptune’s pulls cancelling Jupiter’s).
I’d call the barycentre thing a necessary but not sufficient requirement; a proper definition of double planet should probably also take into account other factors like the relative mass and density of the bodies, and their minimum and maximum distance.
I’m both, and while I do hate myself, I don’t think it’s related, so I’m not sure I get it.
(I hate computers more, though, except when they’re turned off — no bugs when they’re off —, but they’re the only thing I’m good enough at to make a living off of.)
makes it sound like they’re all equal, and there hasn’t been any progression
Programming peaked with Lisp (and SQL for database stuff).
Every “progression” made since Lisp has been other languages adding features to (partially but not quite completely) do stuff that could already be done in Lisp, but with less well implemented (though probably with probably less parentheses).
They are all flawed and they all encourage some bad design patterns.
On the other hand, Lisp.
Nah. Frieren’s appearance and behaviour are straight from the manga, which isn’t that kind of book (seriously, the author just wanted to write about an unassuming elf John Wicking demons and accidentally turned it into a great story about death, and friendship, and whatnot) and only ever uses raunchiness in humorous contexts (the clothes dissolving potion, Flamme’s “secret seduction technique”, Fern constantly considering everyone a pervert, and so on).
This isn’t Miss Kobayashi’s Dragon Maid (though that also accidentally turned out deeper than what it was supposed to be, which in that case was smut).
What Madhouse clearly are into in any case is feet (seriously, this show looks like a Tarantino film at times). Serie’s, especially. And Übel’s armpits, for some reason. Both of those are much more present in the anime than the books (also, excellent animation, like the fights or the dance scene, which in the books are usually just a couple panels; that’s probably not a fetish, though).
Sid Meier, obviously.